Monday, 15 May 2017

Port Villa

Hello everyone here I am sitting in my cabin after lunch and before a nap telling you all that I am exhausted this morning after breakfast we all went ashore at Port Villa to wonder around all the markets and there are a lot of markets.

Getting off the ship mum had to be pushed on her walker down the gangway and it was steep and I pushed her around the markets and let me tell you it was bloody hot and crowded most of the markets have pretty much the same stuff with slight differences in goods and price.

Tim bought himself a couple of more shirts an something for Sydney-May and Summer I bought myself a top and few other little things not sure who for yet, although Tim said he thinks we have enough I said no we don't have anything for Kathy-Lee or Natasha yet but I will have a look at our next port of call which is Noumea and I know there are markets there as well.

When we got back to the ship before we boarded they were handing out wet face clothes and cups of water and yeah I wiped my face over didn't care that it removed my make-up as I was that hot and when I got back to my cabin I notice my clothes were soaked with sweat so had to change all of them.

We then went to lunch and now are back in the cabin and after I write and post this I will be having a lay down as well.

While wandering around the markets another lady mentioned she pushes her mum around on her walker as well. Mum says she feels terrible that I am pushing her all over the place but I am not bothered at all I like being able to help mum out.

At lunch she hurt her knee while moving from the walker to a seat and was crying, I do not like to see my mum cry and knowing there is nothing I can do to help stop the pain is terrible.

We are only at Port a Villa for half a day and in fact should be under-way again soon as everyone had to be back on ship by 1.30pm and it is now 1.30pm.


  1. Hard work pushing a wheel chair as you know Jo-Anne especially in the heat.
    Nice to shop in different places - continue to enjoy.


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