Wednesday, 3 May 2017

One more sleep, till cruise day

Ok this maybe my last post till the 20th as tomorrow is cruise day, yes we are leaving on a 15 day cruise this time we are going to Papua New Guinea again we are going with my parents and I can tell you I am super excited about the cruise.

This morning has been spent packing and washing and of course it is raining so the washing had to go into the dryer but that is ok at least we have a clothes dryer. This time our cabin is next to mum & dad's cabin and we got interior cabins so no window to look out but I feel that should be ok as we are usually only in a cabin for sleeping.

Tim has just said we are going to the club for lunch so I just had to get shoes on and change my top this I expect is because we have very little food left in the house, but that is ok I like the idea of having lunch at the club.

I am still in a fair amount of pain and last night I had a shocking nights sleep, kept waking up having difficulty breathing due to having this rotten cold, I asked Tim to get cold tablets when he took Leo to school which he did but not the good stuff that you have to ask the chemist for but at least he tried but if it was him who had the cold he would be somewhat pissed off if I didn't get the good cold tablets.

Yesterday afternoon Tim picked Leo up from school on the motorbike which really made Leo happy and this morning he drove him to school on the motorbike but this afternoon we will have to get him in the car because of the rain.

Well I started this earlier this morning and now it is 4.30pm so I will post this, I will do some updates on Facebook but don't think I will be posting here but we will see.  


  1. Bon Voyage! Have a wonderful time and take lots of pictures! I hope you're feeling better soon so you can truly enjoy yourself.

    FYI, I made the big move away from Blogger and can be found at:

    Elsie Amata

  2. Have a wonderful trip! Take lots of photos! We hope you will feel better by tomorrow so that you enjoy every moment of your time away :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  3. Have a great time, do something while you're there you can blame on me! I just love international incidents!

  4. Oh goodness! Have a most wonderful time! Takes loads of pictures to share with us when you return! Safe travels!

  5. I hope you get well and have a wonderful trip. :)

  6. Oh, get well soon. And have a lovely time on your trip!

  7. Till the 20th??? Oh I know you will have fun. Never been on a cruise. My husband never wanted to cruse - he spent 20 years on ships and it left him with no desire. The only cruise he said he would do is up to Alaska. Someday....


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