Sunday, 21 April 2024

Week 16 of 2024


Another good night, slept till the alarm went off but I did get up once to pee. Temp is 15 degrees at 5am.

There was an incident in Sydney were a man entered a shopping centre and stabbed and killing up to 6 people including a 9-month-old, on the 5am news they said the baby was still alive, but the mother died. The man was shot and killed by a police officer.

Tasha came down and asked if I would like to go to Woolies myself tomorrow, I said I would.

Had a really good night, woke at 4.50am with at temp of 12 degrees according to the laptop or 15 degrees according to my phone.

Tasha took me out shopping but after half an hour, I start to sweat a lot it was dripping off me and I felt I was going to collapse.

The rest of the day has been good.

It is 10.30pm and I can’t settle down, I am drenched in sweat and my body will not stop moving.

Sam just walked in and is concerned that I am awake and that I am moving so much.

When I went back to bed last night Sam sat with me holing my hand and talking in a soft voice till, I started to relax. I then went back to sleep and slept through to 5am. It was 14 degrees when I got up but reached a top of 25 degrees.

Kathy dropped the girls off, they have spent a lot of time with Tasha, Tim bought Hungry Jacks for lunch.

Just before 11am I went for a nap slept for an hour and 15 minutes, could have slept longer but didn’t that would be a good idea.

The girls spent a far bit of time with Tasha.

Had a better night, although it did take me a while to fully settle.

Temp this morning is 16 degrees, I do have both front and back doors open but will close one shortly, I expect.

By 11am it is 23 degrees.

Tim rang to see how we go about arranging for a bulk waste collection, as I thought the Dept of Housing needs to arrange it. I thought Tim was somewhat rude on the phone but he didn’t.

It is chilly Thursday morning here in my part of Newie, a decent enough sleep after a restless start to the night. It is 15 degrees at 5.30am, by midday it was 24 degrees.

Tim went and brought fresh bread a couple of snags and a bit of bacon and made snags, bacon & cheese sandwiches for lunch.

It started to rain at 3pm, the temp was still 22 degrees. The rain was pissing down but didn’t last long.

It is cold this morning with a temp of 13 degrees, too cold now to open the doors. I had a good night better than the last few as I settled down much faster.

Kathy rang as she usually does on a Friday, but she was in a right mood so didn’t talk, instead I said we will talk on Monday.

Sam came down this morning to just chill with me for a while and was here over an hour maybe longer.

I am having trouble settling again so I got up for a bit, spent 45 minutes talking to Tim, now I am back to bed.

After returning to bed last night I settled without issue, I slept till the alarm went at 5am. It is a wet morning with a temp of 15 degrees, I think we are in for a wet day.

Jess came down to tell me about an issue she had with her dad last night concerning Sam‘s medication and how she doesn’t keep track of it.

When he got up Tim showed me the messages from Jess, they were not bad messages and a couple of his replies seemed childish to me and uncalled for and I said so. I know he was pissed that I didn’t agree 100% with him but I don’t have to.

It has rained on and off all day getting to a top temp of 17 degrees.










  1. I heard about the mass murder in Sydney where a man entered the Bondi shopping centre, stabbing and killing 6 people. My husband lived in Bondi until he was married and thought it was a beautiful, peaceful and sporting suburb. Apparently it has changed :(

    1. I feel it is the people who have changed and not for the better

  2. So sad about the murders. It makes you wonder just what was going through his head. I hope your good sleep nights are more than your not good nights.

    1. We the general public have no idea what was in his head and never will, sleeping is difficult some nghts

  3. That was so sweet of Sam to stay with you until you could settle down for the night, Jo-Anne.
    We heard the terrible news about those murders on the news here in the States. Sometimes, I wonder what this world is coming to. Those families are in my prayers.

    1. Yes what is the world coming to but over time I am sure many have thought that. Sam is a loving and compassionate person

  4. Wise men don't mind rebuke. Sam is very kind.


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