Tuesday, 9 April 2024

Texas Horned Lizard


Guess what it is time for another freaky creature, this week it is the Texas Horned Lizard.

It has a crown of thorns is also known as the Horny Toad because of its rounded body. This body can be puffed up when threatened. It has another form of defence; it can shoot a stream of blood from the corner of its eyes and occasionally its mouth. This liquid can go as far as 1.5 metres or 15 times the length of its body, it is a cocktail of blood and chemical that’s foul tasting to predators such as wolves and coyotes.

Its horns are bony extensions of its skull and are part of its armoury, along with its spiked scales.

It is one of about 21 North American species of spikey-bodied reptiles called horned lizards. It is mostly found in the south-central regions of the USA and northeastern Mexico.

Because it is listed as a threatened species, it is illegal to pick up, touch or possess them in Texas.

They are considered harmless to humans and pets as they are known for their docile and unaggressive nature.


  1. Once again, Jo-Anne, I feel enriched by the information you regularly share here with us. Blessings!

  2. I would have never guessed they'd make a good pet. Wonder if Yosemite Sam had one...

  3. Freaky looking is correct!

  4. I have always been intrigued by the horny toad since a child watching old westerns. I have never seen one in person, but think they are cool.

  5. I like him. I think lizards are very interesting.

  6. I had one of these in my lizard and amphibian collection of pets when I was a teenager. I never knew they could squirt stuff out of their eyes! Thank goodness mine never did. Mine was a little sweetie. :)

    1. How cool you had one as a pet and how good it was a little sweetie


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