Tuesday, 23 April 2024

Time for another creature


Hello Tuesday, you are day for another freaky creature, this week it is the Common Basilisk, have you heard of it? I have not but it is a lizard that has been nicknamed the Jesus Christ lizard.

It received this nickname because of its ability to run on water. When it’s threatened it can escape by sprinting towards any water. When they reach the edge of the water they just keep going.

They run on their back legs with their body upright and arm by its side. They have been clocked at 8km/h on water and 11km/h on land.

The reason it’s so good on water is its feet, it has big feet with flaps of scaly skin along the toes which create air bubbles which then push down which keeps it afloat.

The young can run atop water for up to 20m, but adults can only manage a quarter of that, not because they are slower just bigger. 

There is little chance of them drowning as they are great swimmers and can stay underwater for up to 30 minutes.


  1. Thanks, Jo-Anne, for introducing us to yet another miraculous creature in God's amazing creation. Blessings!

  2. Big feet with flaps of skin creating air bubbles is brilliant. Nature could create better skills than our modern science.

  3. That’s funny! A lizard that walks on water!

  4. Laurie's niece used to have one. Faster than greased lightning!

  5. I HAVE heard of it ... and I have SEEN them too. I was in Costa Rica for a few weeks and saw them walk on water several times. Crazy fast they are!!!

  6. I have seen videos of these! They are amazing and make me laugh. :)

  7. He blends in to the green area really well! Wow!

  8. Wow, that is impressive on it being able to run on water and being able to stay underwater for 30 minutes.

  9. I've looked the Common Basilisk now on Youtube. Unbelievable how it runs on the water.

  10. Interesting. I've never heard of this one. We have skinks here which are kind of fun to watch. Hope you're doing well!


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