Saturday, 27 April 2024

Borderline Personality Disorder/Fear of Abandonment


Hi, everyone this week we are looking at fear of abandonment and borderline personality disorder.

We all must deal with the death of a loved one or the end of a relationship as loss is a natural part of life. However, people with BPD live in fear of such loses.

People with BPD tend to think the following thoughts, you’re going to leave me, you don’t really love me, or you aren’t here for me.

Those with BPD can have tremendous fears of rejection and being abandon to the point they may sabotage themselves and relationships. The fear they feel can be real or just perceived but it is highly intrusive.

So it isn’t uncommon for the suffer to assume people will leave them, this can be caused by past evidenced of people leaving them or could just be a more general belief that they can‘t trust others and will end up being hurt.

A simple tiff with a loved one may trigger an abandonment response.

Those with BPD are essentially waiting for their loved one to leaved them which may cause them to withdraw, lash out, threaten or even in some case harm others, which sadly reinforces the likelihood of being left.

Suffers of BPD often feel empty inside and if the feel someone is going to leave them, they can become fearful and angry, lashing out first.

It is not a good idea to give the BPD suffer ultimatums or threaten to leaved if their behaviour doesn’t change this will only make them test the limits you set.

More next week.



  1. I guess it’s like low self esteem on steroids!

  2. This is a tough disorder to have and live with, Jo-Anne. I do hope these folks can get the therapy they need to break this cycle. Blessings!

  3. I know my sister struggles to find lasting peace


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