Saturday, 25 November 2023

Jo-Anne's Thoughts


Hello everyone I hope those of my followers who celebrate Thanksgiving had a good one, I had planed to do this post yesterday but after another I just gave up if it wasn't the computer being a bitch it was interruptions of one sort or another.

This morning it is wet outside with according to my weather app 100% chance of rain today, I am wearing shorts so not a cold day nor is it hot.

I have been thinking about how far I have come in a year, this time last year I couldn't do so many things, often needing the wheelchair when we went out and now I don't. I am back to walking pretty much everywhere I do, however, get annoyed when people say that's good but you can better. Why oh why do they feel the need to add that bit.

I can also now shower myself again, dress myself and do the everyday things a person does. I still have trouble cutting up meat and other food items to eat and have to ask for help.

I have always managed to blog and write to pen pals these two things gave me a reason to get up of a morning and carry on. Another motivation to get up each day Monday to Friday was/is Sam accompanying Sam up to wait for the transport drive each day is something I look forward to.

You know what else I can do that a year ago I couldn't do, write as in hold a pen and write word on paper, I could manage to print a few words but writing as in cursive writing but now I can. Ok there still little chance other people can read it but I can and that means something, because let's be honest here my handwriting has always been a messy near unreadable scribble I have been told so many times.

Ok that's all that has come to mind this morning.


  1. Since I'm a fairly new reader here, Jo-Anne, I wasn't fully aware of your previous struggles, although I gathered here and there that you were dealing with health issues. The older we get, the harder it is to bounce back, and even attempt to do the things we used to do, and take for granted. Keep on improving and celebrate every success.

    1. Yes I have had a number of health struggles during the last few years but Jo-Anne is pretty much back and I am feeling good

  2. Does my heart good to hear this! We should all try to reflect on our progress every so often, it gets lost in day to day.

    1. I am pleased with your comment, I am doing much better coping with life's struggles

  3. So wonderful to hear. Truly wonderful. :)

  4. I knew that blogging can help us achieve intellectual and academic growth, but clearly it can do much more. It gets _you_ out of bed in the morning and encourages you to carry on. For _me_, it has solidified a social group whose thinking I admire.

  5. This is my first time to your blog. I will have to go back and read some previous posts, but it sounds like you made some great progress!

    1. Welcome, and I have come a long way in the last year

  6. Thank you, yes I have made a lot of progress and I feel good about it, I like feeling like me and not a shell of me

  7. Once again...very very proud of you and that you are feeling so much better.


  8. You should be very pleased with yourself. You have made so much progress and you sound good. You kept on going - and pushing through and have made great strides. Sometimes we have to go through these tough times, to get to the other side.
    Keep it going!


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