Sunday, 12 November 2023

Week 45 of 2023


Sunday now and I had another good night, in long pants when I first got up and if needed I will change into shorts later.

It is raining since 6am and it's not cold nor hot.

Had a lay down at 12.30 for an hour, didn't sleep but afterwards I didn't feel as tired. So I was able to stay awake nearly 2hrs longer then I expected.

Had another good nights sleep and up at 5am washed and dressed for the day.

Spoke to Kathy this morning as I do every Monday but neither of us had any news, so only a short chat.

I spent more time ordering Christmas stuff online.

Tim said he will book the scooter at Charlestown Square for 10.30 in the morning. He asked Tasha to come with us but she doesn't want to come, I told her I would be fine as long as Tim stays with me.

Up at 5am after a good night. I checked and the shopping will be here between 10.50 and 11.50am so I do not think we will go out today, I am not one to go out at lunch time or later in the day, I like to go out at 9am do what I need or want to do and come home.

I was telling Tasha about the shopping coming late and she said I could go out with her, so I did I went shopping with Tasha and it was great, I had no issue with walking around and managed to buy 2 new pairs of thongs, she has also said she is going to the Reject Shop on Friday and I can go with her then as well.

Tasha was telling me her friend Dylan who is 29 may have had a stroke, he wasn't good and went to the hospital and that's what they think, she will know more at a later date.

A new day, didn't speak to Kathy as there is a problem with Optus and this also meant I can't ring Sam but when I tried to ring Jess it went through so she had to wake Sam.

The cleaners came as usual they are never here for very long 20-30 minutes each time.

There was no mobile phone available till late afternoon.

A new day, when I got up I applied moisturiser to my legs as they felt very dry.

Today is the neighbour Colin's funeral.

Sue called in to see me, she was here about half an hour and then she was going to see Sandy.

It has turned out pretty warm and I am sweating a far bit. I should change into shorts but I won't.

It is suppose to be another warm to hot day. Jessica had her shift changed again and had to leave for work at 7.30am instead of midday. She likes her job but all the shift changes are getting on her nerves.

Tasha popped own to tell me the funeral went well and she saw Jonathon's sister Heather there and they had a good talk. Tasha was surprised how much she has grown up but she is the mother of 4 children, so naturally she has grown up.

Sam's new bed has arrived and he is yet to use it as Jonathon is staying there on and off while he sorts his shit out.

Up a tad early at 4.40am I was awake and couldn't see the point of just laying there in bed.

I got dressed in ¾ pants and changed to shorts around 8am. Tasha came down and told me that last night the woman from unit 5 was found in unit 3 (Colin's unit)and had to be told to get out she was rambling going on about how the old man who lives there was being ill treated and so on, he isn't he is well cared for but he just lost his son and isn't in a good place. It ended up pretty hot, enough to turn the air con.


  1. Glad you have been sleeping well and you got to get out shopping! Nice! Stay cool. :)

  2. Dylan is way too young to have had a stroke! I do hope he gets a full check up soon.
    Blessings, Jo-Anne!

    1. He has been checked out and according to Tasha he is doing ok and maybe didn't have a stroke.

  3. Pretty drama-free week, always good


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