Sunday, 19 November 2023

Week 46 of 2023


A new day and I am in shorts from the get go. I needed to cover my computer chair with a blanket as my legs were sticking to the chair which is so annoying.

I was done with the shopping and when I went to submit the problems started, problems that took over 2hrs to sort out and come good.

Sue brought me over an early birthday prezzy, just some homemade brownies as she knows I like them but I am unable to make them myself now days.

After a good nights sleep I am up washed and dressed ready for the day.

Tim off to another doctor's appointment then he has to go into work before he come home.

Kelli called in to see me and pick up her gifts cards, she didn't stay long but it was nice seeing her and having a hug.

Tim was gone a couple of hours after he left I turned the TV off and when he got back he asked me I how long ago I turned it off I told him, he was a tad surprised.

Yesterday it was bloody hot and today it is not at all.

Up at 4.30 this morning only because I was awake and couldn't be bothered just laying in bed. I then spent 45minutes getting the computer to play nice a work ok, which it is doing now.

Been trying to order a school jacket for Sam but not working the page will not load. I sent an email to the school who sent me another link which worked and all was went well. Jacket is now ordered.

I will be meeting Sam as Tim isn't home yet.

A new day I put shorts on but the shorts I had pulled out were the ones that are too short in leg. So I had to change into ¾ pants.

I of course ended up hot after changing my pants.

The plumber came about the weird leak we have around the bottom of the toilet at the front, he couldn't see what was causing it and it only happens every now and again.

I tried on a couple of dresses to see what I could wear tomorrow for my appointment with Dr Babu both of them felt far too uncomfortable around the upper arms, and since both I have had for many years I decided to toss them in the donation bag of old clothes. Like many women I have chicken wing arms and liked to cover them but now I don't give a rats ass about my big arms and wear mostly sleeveless top and dresses.


I have been up since 4.40am, woke to pee and stayed up.

I have an appointment at Westmead with Dr Babu my neurologist at 1.20 this afternoon so we will leave around 10ish.

Before leaving Tasha & Jess came over to wish me happy birthday and give gifts, Jess gave me a new tablet and Tasha gave me a cover for the tablet. Tim gave me cordless headphones. I have done well.

The appointment went well, we got home at 5pm. There has been a change in my medication she increased the Sifrol changed the Madopar from 100mg to 200mg so will take one tablet 4 times a day instead of 2 tablets. She has added a new medication as well. I can't read what the medication is so more on that when I get the script filled. I know I will be taking one tablet of a morning.

Tried to USB drive in the car and again only some of the music played so frustrating.

Woke to a wet morning and much cooler then I expected in long pants again. I had to text Jess about taking Sam up to meet his driver it is far too wet for me to go out.

Yesterday was my 6 monthly check up with the neurologist at Westmead, she was quite pleased with my progress. She liked that I am walking much better and I didn't use the wheelchair instead just using the walker. She has increased medication and added a new tablet Azilect which I will take of a morning.

Tim and I have at last met our safety net threshold and thus the rest of the scripts for the year will be at the reduced rate of $7.30, the threshold is $1563.50, combined as in for both Tim and myself.


A new day no rain and not hot but not cold either. I spent ages yesterday trying to figure out how best to use the new tablet.

I stopped my book around 8am I was getting a headache and not paying attention.

Tasha dropped of a chocolate muffin, which was nice.


  1. A new tablet? That will be fun once you learn how to use it, Jo-Anne. It might be the answer to your computer woes.
    Happy and Blessed Birthday!!!

  2. Happy birthday!! Sounds like great presents! Hope you figure out the new tablet. Glad you are doing better! That is so good to hear. :)

  3. Glad you made a good haul on your birthday! And that the Drs was good news. God is good!


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....