Tuesday, 14 November 2023

Creature Day


Hello everyone, yeah it is Tuesday also known as creature day and this week's creature is the Super Bird Of Paradise.

The greater lophorina, also known as superb bird-of-paradise or greater superb bird-of-paradise, is a species of the Paradisaeidae family. It was considered the sole species in the genus until in 2017 it was recognised that there were three species

These birds build their nests on treetops using materials like leaves, with 1-3 eggs laid after every mating season. After 16–22 days, the eggs hatch. The chicks become independent after 16–30 days and can leave their nest. Males become sexually mature at 4-7 years

When an adult male want to attract a female he fans out the velvety black feathers on his back and the gleaming blue feathers on his chest to form a cape. He then snaps his tail feathers hopping around in a fairy dance hoping a female will partner with him.

They can be found in New Guinea, the local name for them is “bolon diuata” which means “birds of the gods”


  1. Yet another fascinating creature, Jo-Anne, and a beauty, too!

  2. Beautiful! Thanks for the post.

  3. So beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Oh, I have seen videos of these beautiful birds many times and they are just fascinating! :)

  5. Fanning out the gleaming blue and velvety black feathers would work on most females :)

  6. Lovely to read about this bird, it's a nice looking one too Jo-Anne.

  7. Love that deep shade of shiny blue, I'd love to see one in person.

  8. So cool... especially after my "gold-less" Goldfinches today...


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