Friday, 3 November 2023

Jo-Anne's Thoughts


Hello everyone, here we are at another Friday and I am going to share some of my thoughts this Friday morning.

Why or why does it have a habit of raining on days when I wish to go out, tomorrow Tim an I along with Tasha are suppose to go over to Kathy's for a BBQ and it is suppose to rain again, why........

I feel the same thing often happens when I arrange to have someone to take me shopping it either rains or something else happens and my plans get shoved aside. I so miss being able to drive myself around. There are times I feel like those around me just think it is too much effort to take me out, I want Tim to take me shopping using my motorised scooter but he says he can't lift it as yet due the damage to his right hand/arm. He says he will take me if we hire a scooter from the shopping centre, this is ok except those scooters are a lot bigger then mine making it far more difficult to manoeuvre but I will give it a try.

At least I am more able to do stuff at the computer each day but there are of course days when I find it impossible to sit anywhere without pain and discomfort.

I have started to order things for Christmas during the next couple of weeks I want to make a start on the Christmas cards, first thing I need to do is find where I have put them, I think I know where they are.

rAlso Tim isn't and early riser like me which is ok except when I want to go shopping then I would like him to get up between 8 &9 get ready and go so I get in and get done quickly. I do not like going in the middle of the day or the afternoon if it can be avoided.

I just went with Sam up to meet their driver, Sam has told his mum he prefers me to take her(him)up and also meet her, yes Sam wishes to be referred to as a girl, which is something I am having trouble doing and I have explained to Sam that it isn't easy for me to get my head around.

Ok this has been a rambling mess, my head is all over the place.


  1. I'm an early riser as well. I start to peter out in the afternoon. I don't do much Christmas shopping - 1-2 good gifts each. Our family mostly is into food. So a nice meal and just the company of family is gift enough. Laughing and talking - I love it.
    Yeah you'll probably have to conquer that shopping scooter looks like, in order to get out and do more.

    1. Yeah I am going to have to give the larger scooter a try, I am a giver I love giving gifts much to Tim's annoyance

  2. I liked reading through your post. I stay up late at night writing yet I'm an early riser.

    1. Thanks I like getting up early and getting things done

  3. Odd how it often rains when you want to go out..
    I'm a late nighter so thefore not an early riser.

  4. Raining almost none stop for the last few days in the small part of England I call home, I share your frustration.

  5. We haven't had rain here for so long, I've almost forgotten what it sounds like! Fall is a particularly dry time of year here in the U.S. South.
    I couldn't shift gears regarding gender preference either, Jo-Anne. Like I've said, let's hope this is just a phase for Sam.

    1. Yeah I have explained to Sam that I am trying but it isn't easy for me and he is understanding

  6. I was more early in rising but the past month or two Katie has not asked me to get up. So I am in bed till 0715.
    I am having a bad eye problem that I hope will be over with before another week. Have a good thought for me. :-)

  7. On the other hand, you could let yourself be dragged along by a hyperactive doggie...

    1. Those words "hyperactive doggie" made me think of Dot Dot on of the best dogs we have ever had and trying to take her for a walk it wasn't easy and exhausting

  8. 45 today.. happy birthday 🎂 Cake, candles and presents?

    1. One minute we are babies the next we are middle aged


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....