Sunday, 5 November 2023

Week 44 of 2023

Another day suppose to be a nice day. Found a note about Jess quilt being in the washing machine, I had to turn it on to wash at 8am.

I spent most of the day working on the calendars only to discover I had stuffed up by using the wrong template and had to start again. Which I have done but will work it more tomorrow.

The start of another school week, suppose to be a warm day. No book this morning I forgot to download another one, I will have to do that today.

Another busy morning working on the calendars and sorting our medications.

It is another very warm too hot day but Tim said he didn't think it was that hot.

Took most of the day but I managed to get the calendars done.


A warmer start to the day I have the door open to let the breeze in.

Sandy has decided to keep Landon for a bit longer and not give up on him so quick. She also has car trouble looks like it is the alternator told it could cost around $850, money she doesn't have.

Sue came over and brought me 3 cans of cider it was nice to see her.

Tim has an appointment this afternoon, so I will go meet Sam. Speaking of Sam his new mattress arrived now he just needs the bed frame.

In for a much cooler day which will be nice.

Tasha drove me to my Dr's appointment but she was in a right mood feeling rushed off her feet and complaining I hadn't reminded her about they i appointment till this morning. Anyway the appointment went well I managed on my own even managed to go to the chemist and walk back to the car to wait for Tasha.

Tim didn't get up till after 11am, I told Tim I want to try to get back to a more normal bedtime some days I end up in bed as early as 3pm usually it is around 4pm but I would like to go back to a later bedtime, Tim didn't seem keen he said he thought it would be a good idea but would I be ok with watching his TV shows as when I go to bed the TV is his.

I slept straight through to 4.25am this was a surprised I got up at 4.48am.

Tasha came down she is feeling pretty sick and asked me to check her tonsils they looked red and a little white in parts so she is off to the doctors.

Tim didn't get up till after 10am as is now usual for Tim, when I mentioned that he will need to go and get my script he seemed a little annoyed but he went.

Tasha's Dr's appointment didn't go as she hoped was told she didn't need antibiotics as her body is fighting off the infection nicely. This wasn't what she wanted to hear.

By 3pm I was so tied I was falling asleep.

Slept all night again, I ended up going to bed by 3.30pm and slept straight through till 4.40am.

I was a tad annoyed to find that Tim hadn't put the dishwasher on last night.

Sandy just called in to say hi and give me a hug.

Tim took me down to renew my photo ID it took 20 minutes from the moment we walked in till when we walked out cost was $61 for 5 years.

Tasha rang and asked if I could loan her money to pay for the service on her car, the fella who had the car hasn't had it done even though he has been saying he would get it done. I have told her that now she has her car back not loan it out again I have no idea if she will do as I said or not.

This afternoon Tim rang to see about me applying for my seniors card. This was easy as I didn't need any other ID other than my Medicare Card.

Tasha has sworn she will never lend her car to anyone ever again.

A new day and again I slept well, Tim and I are going over to Kathy's house for lunch.

Tim and I went over to Kathy's for lunch, it was really nice, Michael made the best hamburgers. I would like to do it more often. Like every couple of months would be nice.

At first I said every 6 weeks but that will be around Christmas. At this stage I don't even know what we are doing Christmas Day.


  1. Hopefully Tasha will stick to her guns and not loan out her car. Glad she got it back though. Cars these days are just too expensive to loan out.

  2. I'm so happy to hear that you are sleeping well, and it seems on a regular basis. Hope this keeps up.

    1. Yes after so many restless nights and nights that sleep didn't come easy, I also hope it keeps up

  3. Tasha finally got her car back and I hope she means it that she won't lend it out again. Sounds like a busy week. :)

    1. I hope it means that as well, she was truly pissed off

  4. Glad to hear she has the car back, but poor Sandy if not one thing then another.

    1. Spoke to Sandy and the car has been running ok so she doesn't have to get it fixed just yet

  5. You sure had a busy and eventful week, Jo-Anne. Hang in there!


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