Friday, 17 November 2023

Jo-Anne's Thoughts


Good morning all on this coldish, wet morning here in Newie were I live, I have sent text messages to both Tasha and Jess to see if one of them could go up with Sam due to the rain but have no reply. Jess at last replied saying she would do it.

Last night laying in bed I had many different thoughts running through my head but of course this morning I can't remember what those thoughts were. I would like to get another small digital recorder so when I have a thought about a blog post or even just something I would like to look up I can say so into the recorder to be replayed in the morning.

Yesterday was my 6 monthly check up with the neurologist at Westmead, she was quite pleased with my progress. She liked that I am walking much better and I didn't use the wheelchair instead just using the walker. She has increased medication and added a new tablet Azilect which I will take of a morning.

Tim and I have at last met our safety net threshold and thus the rest of the scripts for the year will be at the reduced rate of $7.30, the threshold is $1563.50, combined as in for both Tim and myself.

For those who do not know we pay no more the $30 for a script on the PBS aka Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme which is a government funded scheme to lower the cost of medication, not all medication is on the PBS my bladder tablet called Betmiga isn't and cost me $69 a month.

Well that's all from me for this post till Sunday when I will be back with something else.


  1. This Betmiga- have you looked on the manufacturer's website to see if they might have a discount?

  2. Sweet photo!
    That's a good idea about the recorder.
    So glad you are doing better!! :)

    1. Thanks it is me holding my great-niece Thea
      Yeah I will benefit from a digital recorder

  3. I like your digital recorder idea, I often have good ideas for the blog and then totally forget them by the time I go to write it!

  4. Loved the photo, Jo-Anne. It's great having insurance that can help with prescription costs; they can be high here in the States, too. Keep improving!

    1. I will get as many as I can while I have the discount price

  5. Great picture, Jo-Anne. And I love hearing that you are doing better.

  6. Glad you're walking better! And I love the photo---so funny you and I both posted baby pics this time!

    1. Thanks it feels good being able to walk with little pain

  7. What a beautiful photo - I love it.
    Many greetings and very best wishes for you.


Week 11 of 2025

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