Friday, 10 November 2023

Jo-Anne's Thought's


Hello everyone here we are at another Friday and I am jotting down some thoughts this morning.

Who would have thought we as in people in general would often prefer to communicate via text message over a telephone call but we do. I know I do, I often prefer to send a text over making a phone call in days gone by this meant you didn't have to hear a sigh or deal with a roll of the eyes. However, now days I can often sense a sigh or a roll of the eyes.

I feel that sending a text requesting help with something or some advice about something gives the receiver a chance to think and form a good reply. Which is better then feeling then have to instantly have a good answer, and good answers don't always pop into one's head instantly.

I have nothing against emailing people with requests unless the person who receives said email doesn't take the time to read and reply, which is just rude.

I remember way back when, Tim bought us a Fax Machine and at first I thought when will we use this but as it turned out I used it a lot. I used to fax the school when I had issues concerning my girls and I was told on a few occasions that they appreciated me faxing it gave them time to look into the matter before speaking to me, over me ringing telling them the problem and they telling me they would look into and get back to me which could take a bloody long time for them to do.

I remember when I use to talk to mum each day that it was a good thing she couldn't seem me as I would often be doing different stuff while on the phone. Or I would be shaking my head and trying not to laugh because mum had gotten things mixed up.

Now don't get me wrong I think video chats or face timing someone is a good thing but not all the time for me, like when I would talk to mum while I sat on the air drying after a bath or shower who wants to be seen wrapped in a towel or sitting if not naked in one's underwear.

Ok that's enough from me about nothing important


  1. LOL! Yes, it is true that things have changed a lot in communication. I am not always ready for a video call, either. For sure! :)

    1. A video call can cause some embarrassment if one isn't dressed for a video call.

  2. I have to say my go to is texting as well- as long as it isn't a long message, I'm a lazy typist!

    1. Try being me, at times I use voice to text and that can be a right laugh trying to decipher what I said

  3. I won't do video chats. My counselor sessions are on zoom. MY sons and I text throughout the day. I don't like talking on the phone that much unless I have to. I sometimes think I just overdosed from back when I was a teen and a young adult. I was always talking on the phone and then, slowly I realized how much time it wasted.

    1. I am not good at making phone calls never have been unless I am talking to someone I am really close to

  4. Never used a fax machine at home but had one for work..don't hear of them now.
    Often I send a text rather than a phone call as mostly I don't need a great long conversation.

    1. Yeah fax machines are pretty much a thing of the past

  5. Never once did you use the fax machine . My phone is what I use.

    1. I liked my fax machine now I prefer texts or emails

  6. I think the best means of communication is situation specific. Sometimes I need to hear someone's voice, other times I'm just touching base and a text is fine.

    1. Yes I get that at times we just need to hear someone's voice

  7. I tend to use texts rather than calling someone unless it's a FaceTime with family. I love actually seeing my kids and the grands. Nothing better!
    Blessings, Jo-Anne!

    1. I think texting is bloody great, thankfully I get to see my children and grandchildren in person often.


Week 11 of 2025

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