Wednesday 22 November 2023

Aussie Slang


Here we are at another day of Aussie Slang, so here we go.........

Rip Snorter: Bloody fantastic or great

Road Trains: Large truck with many trailers

Ropeable: Very angry

Root: To have sex

Rooted: Something is stuffed up as in broken, doesn't work

or to be worn out or exhausted


  1. Rip snorter would appear to be fairly universal...

  2. I agree that rip snorter is over here, too. But the rest--nope!

  3. Americans apparently use "root" in another context altogether, so in my IRC channel, I was fairly upset when they appeared to be very rude. My mistake 😔

  4. Interesting slang today, Jo-Anne. Had no idea about the use of the word "root."

  5. Those are different. Thanks for sharing.


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