Wednesday, 15 November 2023

Aussie Slang


Good morning it is time for some more Aussie Slang.

Quid: Money

Reckon: You bet, absolutely

Rello or Rellie: A family member

Ripper: Great fantastic

Rollie: A cigarette you roll yourself.


  1. I use all of your words all the time, except for anything to do with cigarettes. I wonder which communities used rellies (I do) and which used rellos.

  2. Reckon is commonly used here down south, especially. But I think the meaning is a little different. More like thinking or think.

  3. You hear 'reckon' quite a bit here in the southern part of the US too : ) Have a great day!

  4. As others have mentioned, we use the word reckon in the South, but it means something very different, Jo-Anne. Rita has it right!

  5. I knew quid, but the others kinda explain themselves. I love this feature...

    1. Yeah I think the word quid for money is pretty common place and said my many. I am pleased you like the posts


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