Sunday, 30 July 2023

Week 30 of 2023

Got up to pee at 2.45am and had trouble settling back down and got up at 4.50am.

Tasha arrived around 6ish for her shower.

Another cold day my finger tips feel numb.

Jess came over at 2.30 to how me something on YouTube.

While watching YouTube last night with Jess, I fell asleep around 3.30pm and slept straight through to 2.40am this morning after getting up to pee I was unable to settle back down and got up at 4.50am.

Tasha is here having a shower she said she will try to have one at home tomorrow.

I had to get Tim up to go with Sam to wait for his driver due to rain, he wasn't happy.

Tim had a doctors appointment about getting ore time off work he has this appointment every month then he has to take paperwork into work for the next month.

This afternoon Sam rang and said he was home, Tim thought he was at home but no he was still waiting for Papa and his driver had to ring before Tim realised and went up to get Sam. I was just as thick it didn't click with me that Sam was wanting someone to go meet him. Also it was Sam's early day which happens every 2nd week.

Had a good night's sleep woke at 3am to pee and settled back down till 5am. Another dark wet looking morning but no rain.

Sam asked me yesterday if I would start ringing him at 7am so he has time to have a shower without feeling rushed so of course I said ok.

I explained to Sam that both his Papa and I were a little thick yesterday arvo when he rang saying he was home, they were ok with that not upset and said that they should have explained better.

Shopping came without a few items that I have asked Tasha to pick up for me today. She forgot my shopping Tim will get it tomorrow

Tasha had her post opp check up at the hospital after which her and Jess went out for lunch.

Another good night's sleep up at 5am dressed and ready for a day doing bugga all, well it often feels like that. It is cold of course but not raining which is good, I like it when it rains overnight and not during the day.

Sam had to go to school without their phone as they couldn't find it, I was surprised Sam didn't get all pissy about not having it.

Cleaners came I thought it was only last week that they were here but I was wrong.

Tasha asked her dad to go and pick up some fish and chips for her and Blain and he is pissed that Blain didn't go with him to run in and pick up the order, she just didn't think of sending Blain with him.

Had a rough night waking often for a bit before going back to sleep, I got up at 4.50am when I had enough and it was close enough to 5am.

Rang Sam at 7am had to ring a few times before there was an answer. After I came back from seeing Sam off I discovered that Sam hadn't taken their medication.

Tim has gone to cash in the cans and bottles. Then he is going to the supermarket to get a couple of things for me.

Sandy called in and dropped off postage stamps which we attached to the letters and she took the letters to post for me. She is still having trouble getting Temika to go to school. Only a few nights back I had a dream with mum telling me Temika needs to go to a special school for someone with anxiety issues.

Up at 5am. Not as cold this morning.

Sandy called in so Denni could use the toilet she had locked herself out of her place, so rang the estate agent to see if they had a key which of course they did, thankfully her estate agent is only a 10 minute drive away.

Been a warmish day, and of course I have my long sleeve singlet on but can't be bothered to take it off.

Had a decent night up at 5am put a long sleeve singlet but after 5 minutes I took it off as I was already feeling hot. At 6.30am I had to put the singlet back on as I was cold again.

While writing letters I some how manage to delete a heap of files that I could not find, took me well over an hour & half to find them and restore them. This was made harder by me shaking so damn much.

Kathy and the girls came over, Kathy and Syd are both sick with a cold. Kathy changed the sheets on our bed.

Tim and Kathy hung a few more photos for me.

Sandy dropped in a caramel slice for me. It was yummy.


  1. Sounds like you are sleeping pretty well. That's great! Makes the days easier. You have chilly days down there and we have hot days up here. We've just gotten a break for a couple days where it is in the 70s instead of 80s and 90s, but it will be back there full force on Monday I guess.

    1. Yes I am sleeping much better and it does help my state of mind, it is only 14 degrees this morning but I am not feeling too cold

  2. Sleep is so important, Jo-Anne, and I am glad to hear you are getting a bit more of it as of late. Blessings, and have a great week ahead!

    1. Yes sleeping well effects our whole body and our state of mind

  3. I have to say that I too was thinking that you seem to be getting more sleep lately. Katie stopped sleeping on my head so I a sleep more through the night now. She does crush my chest in for awhile when we first go to bed. She roosts up there.

    1. This took me back to when my grandson Blain was a baby, he liked to sleep on my head did this for a couple of years it was adorable.

  4. Tell me about that carmel slice. Roast? A thin cake?

    1. It has a biscuit base followed by caramel not carmel and topped with chocolate

  5. Seems like it was a decent week. Misty is impatiently waiting to go take some more pictures....

  6. Good to hear you got some sleep.


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