Tuesday, 11 July 2023

Creature Day.........Diving Bell Spider


Good morning and damn it is cold here this morning only 3 degrees when I go up and still only 5 degrees 2.5hrs later and I shaking a lot due I suspect to the cold.

Well today I have yet another damn spider this one is the Diving Bell Spider they live in still waterways throughout Europe and are the only spider species that lives its entire lives underwater, mating, laying eggs and catching prey from their webs.

This clever little spider only needs to come to the surface of its pond once a day to breathe, it spins a web underwater and fills it with oxygen.

It moves tiny bubbles of air from above the water surface to its underwater “diving bell”. The bubble works a bit like a fish's gills, taking oxygen from the water and sending carbon dioxide back out.

When out of the water, the spider ranges in colour from mid to dark brown, although the hairs on the abdomen give it a dark grey, velvet-like appearance.

Diving bell spiders have a painful bite that can leave you in pain for a few days.


  1. That is interesting....... the way he breathes underwater.

  2. Super cool. And horrifying. I may never swim in europe.

  3. Clever little bugger--but spiders still creep me out. ;)

  4. I have never heard of this particular spider before, Jo-Anne. How miraculous that it lives its life under water!

  5. Thanks for visiting my blog : ) I'm not a fan of spiders. I know many species are good for lots of things but still, not a fan. Hope you have a great day!

  6. Well, it's 30C here right now...


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