Sunday, 16 July 2023

Week 28 of 2023

Awake since 4am tossing and turning so out of bed at 4.45am needing to pee, not as cold this morning.

Kathy and Summer came over and I had Kathy vacuum out for me. Summer walk down and posted my letters.

I also hung a skull thing in Sam's room both Tim and Kathy don't like the look of it, it has the look of something you would see in Mexico during the celebration of the dead. I like the look of it and hung it somewhere they won't see it.

A new week and a cold start to the day I have an appointment with the podiatrist and then Tim I will be going to lunch.

Tasha has gone into hospital for her operation, I hope all goes well for her.

We had just got home from the podiatrist when Jess rang she was stuck in town with a flat battery and needed her dad to go and give her a jump start.

Lunch was good although Tim didn't eat as much as he thought he would. Just after we got home Sam came over to give us a hug and show off his new ear piecings and to give both Tim and I a hug each.

Woke this morning to a message from Tasha she is doing well surgery was 4hrs long and she isn't much pain thanks for the pain relief. I will see if Tim will take me over to see her tomorrow.

I spoke to her on the phone and she sounded tired but ok, still has drip and catheter in.

Tim got into his office and sorted out his files, it has taken him a couple of hours. He is happy with what he did.

Another bloody cold start to the day, I put on a long sleeve singlet which I should have to done yesterday.

Sam came down at 7.30am and put my socks on my feet for me which has helped a lot.

Kathy was suppose to ring at 6.30 but she sent me a message saying she slept in and has three teenage girls asleep in the lounge room and doesn't want to disturb them, so I said don't bother ringing but that will mess with her routine so she may still ring.

I have a doctors appointment but not with my GP as I think he must be off as there were no appointments available for him online till the 24th and since I just need scripts I will someone else a female who hasn't been there long.

Cleaners came and did a so so job before we left for the doctors, after the doctors we went to see Natasha she looked ok, they had her get up and walk a short way. She is in ICU as there was a problem with her blood pressure.

I came home in a right mood and I don't know why but I got over it pretty quick. Maybe I was hungry as I felt better after I ate.

Tasha looked ok which made me feel better her right arm/hand is swollen but they don't know why. The got her up for a short walk, she is unable to put any weight on her left leg but is doing ok if her condition improves she will be moved to a ward, and she thought she would be home by Friday, I doubt it.

Up at 5am and woke with a headache after getting up and dressed I had my bowl of fruit for breakie.

I had a voice message from Tasha she sounded good and her blood pressure has stabilised and she has been transferred to a ward.

I was watching telly and stuff on my phone when I got a low battery message, I wasn't surprised as the phone wasn't plugged in when I got up this morning.

Rang Blain at 11.30 to make sure he was awake, he was.

Tim had a rehab appointment this afternoon. I had him go to the chemist for me to pick up medication I am out of.

Another day has arrived I think I slept straight throw the night as I have no memory of waking up. It isn't as cold this morning thankfully.

Tasha shared some Xray images of her hip and pelvis via message and there are a lot of screws and rods in there now.

Received a message from Tasha saying she hopes to come home tomorrow, we will see. If she does come home I hope all will be ok.

When I woke up I could remember part of a dream in which Tasha was standing near the kitchen with crutches and wearing an orange top.

When I checked overnight messages there was one from Tasha saying she was home, she came home last night. While writing this she walked in the front door with Blain, she wants a good shower and I have a disability shower easier for her to use. Oh and she was wearing an orange top and has crutches.

Tasha has decided she wants to buy a recliner like mine as she can't sit anywhere or lay in bed comfortably. So Tim drove her around some shops in order to find one which she did. Cost her around $1,000 I believe.


  1. Amazing how now days you don't hardly stay that long in a hospital. When I had my knee replacement I spent 2 nights - I could have gone home after the first night and can't remember why I stayed that extra night.

    Yep recliners are expensive. A friend gave us their recliner. It was practically brand new. It would of helped me, if we had it when I had my rotator cuff surgery. Oh well I survived.

    I wish Tasha a good recovery. That's pretty freaky about your dream and it coming true.

    1. Yes they don't keep us in hospital for very long now days in and out in a under a week often

  2. That dream was something else.
    I hope Tasha recovers quickly. They really don't keep people in the hospital long anymore if they can help it.
    Yes, those nice big lounger chairs are expensive. But they are wonderful! :)

    1. Yeah strange dream indeed people seem to be in and out of hospital pretty quick now days. The chair was expensive but should last a long time

  3. What a dream that was, Jo-Anne! Glad to know that everyone is pretty much on the mend.

    1. Yes we are on the mend here it is slow going but we are getting there

  4. Glad Tasha's through the worst okay. And Sam is being more loving.

    1. Tasha is doing ok but not sleeping well, Sam is always loving


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