Sunday, 9 July 2023

Week 27 of 2023

 A new day has arrived after a bloody good nights sleep, it is the celebration of Aunty Pat's life today at Kotara Bowling Club.

We drove Sandy and Sue to the bowling club, I had a shower and got dressed up nicely haven't worn a dress in ages and it felt good. I even changed my ear rings and wore a necklace. We took the wheelchair to make it easier for me.

We arrived home around 4.30pm.

I slept straight through the night waking at 5am, I got up and took my meds and emptied my bladder before deciding to go back to bed for half an hour.

Yesterday was a good day, I cried a bit thinking of Mum & Dad as did Sandy and Sue.

It doesn't feel as cold this morning.

Not doing much today, I am having a lot of trouble sitting without pain.

Up at 4.50am, colder this morning but not too bad. It is wet outside so a good thing I don't have to go out today.

It has rained most of the day and been pretty damn cold as well.

Tim had his hand rehab this morning, they rang around 9.30 asking if he could go in early like at 10am instead on 10.30 so he did. He was gone till after midday.

I was awake at 3am and spent the next 2hrs dozing on and off till 5am when I got up. Tim also woke at 3am but he got up and came out to watch telly till I got up, when he went back to bed for a while.

Kathy dropped off Summer for the day while her and Micheal are at work.

Tim off to see his counsellor he will be gone a couple of hours.

I made both Summer and myself toasted cheese sandwiches and Summer found the Oreo's and had a few of those as well.

Tasha went and had another tattoo done but complains she is broke all the bloody time, this I don't get but don't say anything it will not change anything just piss her off so what's the point.

Up at 5am as per usual after I good nights sleep, not too cold this morning.

An easy day did little but that's ok I had little to do.

Not as cold but still cold enough for me.

Tasha has a new tattoo around her neck/throat, I guess it looks ok she wants to added to it. I like tattoos but don't get why so many want them around their necks and on their face which doesn't look good in my opinion.

Up a little later at 5.20am part of me wanted to say in bed but I do like my early mornings alone to listen to a book and just enjoy being up alone.

I have a lot of back pain today and find it difficult to sit comfortable.

Tim wanted to go to the Eastern Tiger for lunch and I told him he had to ring and make a booking he said we didn't have to do that. So I got online and checked and yeah I was right so we will now go on Monday, as they were booked out.

I ordered pizza for lunch and I paid for it all he has to do is got get it, not paying extra for delivery as we are only a 3 minute drive from the store.

Good morning here we at Saturday, I thought yesterday was Saturday for most of the day, oh well my days run together with me rarely leaving the house.

I am having computer problems this morning, and it is driving my nuts.

I did, however, manage to get some stuff done.

Had the sparky out to the power points in the kitchen he replaced one power point and said the other one is fine and the problem is the kettle and we should replace it.


  1. Sounds like you are sleeping better. That's good! Kind of an up and down week. May this coming week be a good one. :)

  2. My fiancée is good friends with a woman who lives in Queensland, so we know that it's colder down under right now (while we retreat to anyplace which has air conditioning). But, never fear, soon enough you'll be sweltering and we'll be shivering. Science!

  3. It's hot here as it's summer. But I'll be moaning about being cold too when Winter comes again.

  4. Glad you were able to get a good nights sleep.


Iraq National Anthem

  This week we are looking at Iraq’ national anthem it is titled Mawtini which in English mean My Homeland, it is a poem written by the Pale...