Friday, 21 July 2023

Jo-Anne's Thoughts

Good morning not a pleasant sunny but a cold overcast and wet morning, it is the day for Jo-Anne's thoughts but what are my thoughts this morning.

While talking to Kathy-Lee this morning she was making her girls breakfast which is normal but since they had no milk Sydney-May was unable to have Coco Pops which is what she has every morning. So Kathy made her bacon and eggs and I commented to Kathy that most mothers wouldn't want to bother making bacon and eggs, they would think it is too much work. Kathy said it isn't and doesn't take that long to do and she likes to know her girls have food in them before school.

Once upon a time a cooked breakfast was considered the norm now it is cereal or toast. Me I start with a bowl of fruit and a glass of chocolate milk, followed by toast or crumpets or raisin toast.

This made me think about how I always had breakfast before school from the age of 13 maybe I would get up before anyone else and make my own breakfast.

I also remember my dad getting up for breakfast with the family and he would go back to bed after breakfast, he did that because he could go without seeing us kids for 4 or 5 days in a row due to his work schedule and he didn't like that.

I tried to put my own socks on and failed, I was still struggling when Sam arrived and they quickly took over and put them on for me. I had been struggling to do it for 15 minutes when Sam arrived and only half had on one sock.

I had to get Papa up to go with Sam to wait for his driver because it is raining. Thankfully he got up without complaint. I can still hear the rain dripping into the ceiling but not coming through, kinda wish it would so the idiots would come and do a proper job of fixing it.

So I guess my main thought this morning is breakfast.


  1. I eat a small breakfast of yogurt and a little bit of a fiber cereal. I like to go out for breakfast sometimes better than dinner or lunch.

  2. I rarely ate breakfast, but if I did we had dry cereals to pick from or toast. No way was my mom making us breakfast. We sometimes had breakfast for lunch on a Sunday that mom would make. If she did cook a meal and have us all sit down for a meal she liked it to be on the weekends.

    1. On rare occasions my mum would do a hot breakfast but generally it was cereal or toast

  3. I always eat breakfast...even if, as a child in single digits of age, I had to get it myself. I still do eat it. Just finished 2 large eggs. Amd I went in just now and got me two graham crackers!

    1. They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day but I don't know

  4. I do love breakfast, and I eat a hearty one every morning.
    Blessings, Jo-Anne!

    1. I don't like missing breakfast, sets me up for the day

  5. I don't eat breakfast, just drink coffee, but we always had family breakfasts since the boys were born. They'd eat with their dad and I'd drink my coffee and join in the conversation.

  6. I love bacon and eggs for breakfast! Yummmm!

  7. When the children still lived at home, each weekday I had to dress feed them, and get them on the school bus, in time for me to get to work on time. Thus breakfast consisted of a black coffee, quickly drunk in the car.

    Once retirement arrived, I get up later, walk to the local coffee shop and eat a yummy sandwich for brunch. Life is good.

    1. Yeah my eldest has an energy drink or a coffee while making breakfast for her girls.


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