Sunday, 30 October 2022

WEEK 43 OF 2022


A wet Sunday morning, got the printer working, Tim turned it upside down and gave it a good shake, a couple of little things fell out.

Printer worked find for a bit then the same problem started again, I will get Tim to give it another shake.

Another good night and a wet morning, with pain of course. A mostly fine day.

Tim rang DoH to see when the painting will be done, as well as leak in kitchen and replacement of smoke alarm someone will get back to us.

Had a phone call cancelling my feet appointment for Wednesday all fine with me.

Another pretty good night work at 5.25 feeling awake so up I got I am washed, moisturised and ready for the day.

Graham from the DoH came and inspected the bathroom and rang Rez the bathroom guy to tell him that we need a power point in the bathroom cabinet.

I am going to lay down and I expect that is when he will turn up, so Tasha will write him a note and tape it till the front door.

A new day and I am drenched in sweat going to be a warm or hot day.

The bathroom should now be done.

Leigh came over to see me and drop off some stuff.

Kathy turned up at 1.20pm to borrow our car for a few days while hers is in the shop.

Blain came down to say hi.

Had a so so night awake and up at 5.26am. Suppose too be another warm day.

Got a text from Sandy letting me know our cousin Ashley has passed away.

Sandy called in to see me.

At 2.15pm it started pissing down, it didn't last long.

Slept in till 5.50am I am dressed and ready for my day.

I have rewrite Friday's post.

The painter turned up at 8am he was here all day and I was stuck in my bedroom.

Tim left for work at 11am.Slept in till 5.50am I am dressed and ready for my day.

I have rewrite Friday's post.

The painter turned up at 8am he was here all day and I was stuck in my bedroom.

I woke during the night and Tim told me that the painter left the lounge room a mess, as in all the furniture piled up in the middle of the room. Tim fixed the room took him over an hour or maybe two hours.

At least I am not in my bedroom.


  1. I hope they are all done with all the repairs and things to fix up for you.
    Have a wonderful week without people messing in your home, I hope! :)

  2. I hope they get done soon and you can live in your house.

  3. So the bathroom at least is done?

  4. It must be nice to have a freshly painted room.

  5. Rita......Still have the kitchen to be done

    Sandie.......Me too

    Chris........Yes it is

    Dane.......Yes it will be


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....