Sunday, 16 October 2022

WEEK 41 OF 2022


Had a decent night, woke to a very wet kitchen floor will need shoes on when I pack the dishwasher.

Spent the morning doing stuff on the computer before turning the telly on to watch something.


Had a mostly good night till 3am when my legs began to shake when I got up to pee. I did manage to go back to sleep till 5.20am when I decided to just get up.

On getting up I couldn't find my fruit or the cheese & bacon I had Tasha get me yesterday. I had to wake Tim and ask what happened to them. He packed them in the car to take with us when we go into the motel, I said how am I suppose to eat them in the car. I told him that we may not be able to check in till 2pm.

Kathy has been doing a lot of work on the family genealogy.

First day of term 4 of school.

We are now in temp accommodation it is a nice place except the bed is too high and I can't access the power points.

Tim was in such a rush he just dropped me off and left. I am shaking badly stress does that. I have no idea how I am going to put myself to bed.

I messaged my girls letting them know what's what.

Kelli (niece) came over and helped me. She moved beds found power points and got me ready for bed and into bed. I will sleep in the single bed as it is lower.

I had a rough night been awake and up since 4.30. I am still shaking all over badly.

Tim has contacted the company telling the that place really isn't suitable for me.

We are now at a different lot of apartments, and have the same problem. However this place has a sofa bed I can use.

This place isn't disable friendly and Tim had to stand on a chair to reach the plates and glasses.

Had another somewhat restless night woke with a shocking headache. Had an issue around 3am when I tried to get up to go to the loo, I couldn't get out of the bed. I was crying for Tim to help me which he didn't The problem was I was laying in the middle of the bed and couldn't move to the edge. I didn't have much of a struggle at 5.30am when I got up.

Having a good day more or less, breaking out in a sweat often.

It took me 5mins to get clean undies on and clean top, I was unable to get my pj pants on so will go to bed with just what I have on. I cried a lot.

Had another bad night I found that the damn bed gave me a headache each time I laid down. I woke at 4.50am.

Something that annoys me is getting seated well only to discover I have left something on the other side of the room.

I am as close to bored as I have ever been

I have had a painful day but not distressing, not expecting the night to be any better.

Had a rough night awake and up at 5.30am. Had a wash and clean my teeth.

Damn I miss Tasha.

Going home today. I DO NOT want to stay here another night.

Got home around 10ish no workmen here and the house is a shambles but Tim & Tasha cleared a path to out bedroom and the bathroom. So we are staying here.

Paige from the DoH rang to let us know the wok should be finished by Tuesday.

I slept well in my own bed, didn't wake till 6.30am, the furniture has been moved back into the lounge room. However, I am still writing this in the bedroom as there is a lot to do before I can use my computer desk.

Sandy called in to see me and get her birthday bottle of Jim Beam we had a good chat.

Kathy and Tim spent hours sorting the lounge room out and set the TV up.


  1. Sleep is so important for our good health. I can't imagine not being able to get a good nites sleep. Glad you were able to sleep in your own bed.

  2. Nothing like your own bed. Sorry to hear about the hassles you have had.

  3. Wow, a pretty disruptive week. My bed would be too high like that, but we have an old couch-bed I pull up beside it so me and Misty can get up. I guess they have to make do with accomodations available, but I struggle with how user-unfriendly your services are there.

  4. Debby...........Yes it is nothing like our own bed

    Diane............So true

    Chris..........I don't feel the rooms were disable friendly

  5. I have enough trouble sleeping at home let alone in a strange place! You must have been exhausted! It is so good to be home. :)


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....