Sunday, 23 October 2022

WEEK 42 OF 2022

Dad would be 80 today, I miss him so much. Had a good night up at 6.30amd, Tim also got up dressed for work, leaving at 7am.

Went to use the printer but it isn't working right the paper won't feed through and I can see no jam.

Tasha was suppose to do some food for us but instead got stuck into her yard.

Jess helping me into bed tonight.

A new day for this older body woke at 6.20am rang Tasha but she was already at the gym.

She turned up at 8am I asked her to look at the printer but she didn't have time. I was expecting her to do the shopping but she didn't.

Had a restless night woke in a bit of a mood and shaking so much in my legs standing isn't easy and I had no help which didn't do anything for my mood. Snapped at Tasha when she came down not her fault I forgot I could ring her.

My mood has improved.

I have done bugga all today

Had a good night after a not so good shower warm water and no pressure. Although Tasha managed to get both but Tim said this morning that there was no hot water and he had reported it.

At 11.30iah people from housing arrived to talk about the new ramp to be installed and to check the bathroom was up to scratch. It isn't so they rang the bathroom mob and they turned to discuss matters.

I now will have bathroom people here tomorrow to do whatever they have to do.

Been a warm day.

Another good night till 5.30 this morning when after peeing I get back into bed only to have a panic attack. I had to wake Tim to help me out of bed and off with my mask, which I felt was making it hard to breathe, (it wasn't).

No school for Leo he has an appointment.

Also Leo now wants to be called Samuel or Sam.

The bathroom guy arrived around 8ish. He was here till 1.30pm and had a far bit to do.

Another good night and better morning I have reduced pain in my knees.

The kitchen is still leaking and we still have no hot water.

Plumber arrived the hot water heater is good so he arranged for a sparky to come he said it was tripped and if we don't have hot water to call him tomorrow and he will pass it on to Ausgrid.

Tasha has done some sort of damage to her leg while at the gym as she is in so much pain.

Hey Hey it's Saturday and we have hot water, I have been up since 5.55am I feel good and happy but of course there is pain and shaking as usual.

I forgot yesterday to mention that Kathy and family have gone away for the weekend. They are at Dubbo.

Tim made and hung curtains over back sliding door as well as a bag for he back of my wheelchair and 2 cushions. He set the dryer in place since we lost our awning there is no protection outside for it.


  1. Wow so much working going on at your place. Hopefully and soon, they can stop talking about it all and just get it done!

    80 is not that old. My dad died at age 74. He’d be 90. Yes no matter how long it’s been, we’ll always miss our parents.

  2. So is Samuel a middle name, or did he just pull it out of the blue? A lot of kids at that age would like to pick their own name.

  3. So much happening this week! Goodness! Maybe next week will be calmer. :)


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....