Tuesday, 18 October 2022



Ok here we are at creature day aka Tuesday and today's creature is the super cute Koala.

Koala's sleep as much as 20hrs per day, the reason is because the gum leaves they eat are difficult to digest and low in nutrients so they sleep to conserve energy.

They also have no need to drink water regularly as the gum leaves offer the water they need. They also smell like eucalyptus, make weird, strange sounds.

They are born without hair/fur, ears and are blind, they have fingerprints similar to ours.

Koala comes from an Aboriginal word.


  1. They do look so cute for some reason. I've only managed to get a few photos of them on our travels.

  2. They are so precious--but live such a precise narrow existence it is amazing they are still around. So glad they are! :)

  3. They are so cute. Its sad that their habitat is diminishing.

  4. Dear Jo-Anne, that photograph of a koala is adorable! Peace.

  5. Kinda makes you wonder what God had against eucalyptus leaves to create koalas...


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