Sunday, 9 October 2022

WEEK 40 OF 2022

 Daylight saving has started, it was 6am when I woke and still dark.

I am not bored but I am finding myself just sitting doing nothing with only the sound of the ticking clock.

At 1.30ish Kelli and family arrived and she put me to bed before they left.

Awake and up at 5.55am washed, dressed and fed ready for the day. So cold I needed the heater on for a bit.

Kathy came over and shaved my legs which felt good but didn't shower me.

Tim at last gave the car an oil change.

Had a restless night and woke at 6.11am to a cold and dry morning.

A warm day, Tim on late start today.

Tim rigged up a cushion to the footrest of my new chair so when I put my feet up it is under my knees.

Up at 5.35am washed, dressed and fed yet again ready for another day doing bugga all.

Another wet day but not too wet thankfully unlike other areas.

I am fed up with the state of this house. No one will empty the vacuum so I can run it over the floor. I can't manage it with this vacuum. I feel that I would feel better if the floor was vacuumed.

Still bloody raining and my kitchen floor is very wet and at some point Tim put the bucket out to catch the water.

Tim rang JHH about his hernia appointment turns out he is not on a waiting list to see someone. So he has to see our GP about an appointment.

He then rang DoH and we had a visit from someone we should go into temporary accommodation on Monday for 4 nights then home.

It was 5.50am when I got up, later then I thought it was, I washed and dressed myself and was making breakfast when Tasha walked in to do my hearing aids and socks.

Kathy asked if she could borrow our car while hers is in the shop, Tim said NO.

Had 3 men come about the work that is to start on Monday. Looks like we will also be getting a new kitchen.

Didn't wake till 6.30am after a restless night. Not raining but the kitchen floor is very wet and I have no socks on.

No Kathy today I said there is no point in her coming and to save her fuel.

Raining on and off all day.

Jess came over to ask if we saw how a window in the bus got broken, we hadn't but we all suspect it was the lawn people again.


  1. I'm sure hoping they do everything to make your place right. Not quite on the ups about your housing deal, do you pay for any of this work?

  2. Chris.......Thankfully we do not pay for the work


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....