Sunday, 27 February 2022

WEEK 8 OF 2022

 Tim woke me last night to go to the toilet, so when I woke at 4.30 I was able to get up and pee again and then go back to bed till Kathy texted at 5.40 letting me know she was on her way. I was getting the shower ready when she arrived.

She did the usual Saturday stuff vacuuming, emptying bins, folding clothes.

I managed to start a letter to a pen pal, I have 24 to answer as I have been slack.


Awake and up at 5am, I only had a quick wash as Tim needed to use the bathroom. He did come and help me a bit in the kitchen before returning to bed for a bit. He is working today.

Tim rang he was pissed that I wrote a FB post saying I am a burden but loved. The comments pissed him off as he felt they made him out to be a right bastard. To me he said he thought we were joking, I wasn't. I am in a fragile state of mind.

I had Jessica come and remove the post and she wrote a post on my FB page.



Slept in till 5.20, woke feeling down but that may change. Sent Summer a birthday message.

Spoke to Kathy for 25 minutes about yesterday and Summer's birthday.

Another hot day drenched in sweat, pain started to set in around 10am.



Woke on and off from 3am till I got up at 5.10am.

Had a message from Jess that Leo isn't going to school today, I suspect it is because his pet guinea pig named Freddy died yesterday arvo.

Saw the Dr have to go back on the 3rd for him to do a mental health care plan so I can see a psychiatrist free of charge or at a reduced rate.

Tim also rang Westmead Hospital about the tremor test, they didn't even have the referral. So he had to ring the neurologist and get that sorted.


Awake and up at 4.50 to the sound of rain.

Raining on and off all morning.

Found out that psychobitch has reported Jess to our landlord about Kelli & family staying with her as this goes against her lease. They have 2 weeks to move and no idea where to go.

Kathy told me that Sydney-May after being tested at school has been moved up a level at school as she found the class she was in was too easy for her.

Summer is doing 6 digit math work


Awake at 4.33am needing to pee, so up I hop, hop as in stumbled out of bed shuffled to the bathroom for a wash and dress.

Kelli came over she didn't look good stressed and worried they have to be out of Jess's by next Thursday. She had a good cry and I just held her while she cried.

I have been drenched in sweat most of the day, so wet you would think I was out in the rain.

I go to Westmead hospital for the tremor test on the 8th March.


A new day is here I am still sweating.

Had a video meeting with a counsellor of some type about me, Tim arranged it the guy said that I should see a psychiatrist and sent through some information that I am yet to look at. It was ok.

Tim has today off work.


A late start as I laid in bed awake and tossing waiting for Kathy's text saying she was on her way. At 6 I decided to get up anyway, it was then I saw a message from Kathy on FB telling her day she wouldn't be here this morning. It was then I became angry there was no reason to be angry but I was, I was also crying in frustration. Tim got up and helped me and my anger spread to him. All over nothing, as I understand why Kathy isn't here and I am not bothered.

Kathy and the girls came over about lunch time so she was able to give me a shower after Tim cut my hair. She also vacuumed for me

Kelli rang and asked if Uncle Tim could change a flat tyre for her of course he could and did.



  1. So much drama going on. I can understand feeling like a burden. Just with my 6 weeks having to depend on my husband, I didn't feel good about it. Although he never complained and did everything graciously, I still felt less than. Then I get covid and was sick for 3 weeks.

    You are loved Jo-Anne - just keep holding on to that.

  2. Lots of good and lots of frustrations, guess that's life. Hope you have a better week next week.

  3. I agree. It is easy to see you are loved by your family. Thank God for them. And you do the very best that you can. They know that, We do as well.

  4. Sounds like your specialists aren't any better at communicating with each other than mine. Sorry to hear about the dust-up over what was said, sometimes we just don't realize that something can be taken the wrong way. And neighbors, just like the one Ukraine's got, some just live to make others miserable.

  5. Debby.......Yes I do hold on to being loved

    Karen.......I hope so too

    Katie........I am blessed

    Chris...... Specialist are so frustrating, neighbours can be good, bad and ugly


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