Saturday, 19 February 2022

WEEK 7 OF 2022


Another bloody painful morning, Tim got up and helped prepare breakfast.

My pain level is around an 8 out of 10 today.

Kelli went and picked up a strong pain relief tablet from Sandy for me, which is helping. Although I am extremely tired.



A new school week has arrived I had a missed called from Sandy last night.

Jess came over last night to tell me that Peter died but wasn't dead.

Peter is in an induced coma in the JHH after having a brain aneurysm burst he was resuscitated by the ambos. It was found he had 2 aneurysms.

They tried to reduce his sedation but he became agitated and tried to pull out the tubes, this caused his blood pressure to rise and his heart rate to drop so not good.


Woke at 4.10 thought it was 4.50 so got up had my wash and got dressed before it sunk in that it was so early.

A very warm day filled with pain, what else........

I am wearing the shoulder brace on my left arm and it's helping.

My appointment with neurologist in Sydney has been postponed till after I have tests done.


Another bloody early start waking at 4.10 again needing to pee. I got up and even had a quick shower on my own before I applied moisturiser before ringing Tasha.

While doing something this I was startled my something and jumped since then my left arm pain has been intense.


I managed to sleep till 4.35am it is a fine morning, Tim up at 6am as he is doing over-time.

Pain sitting around a 6-7 today, struggling to do stuff all day.

Kathy wants me to sit outside in the sun more so I am doing that only managing 10-15 mins at a time.


Awake at 4.30 again with a cramp in my left calf and my body drenched in sweat. So up I got and struggled to the bathroom for a wash. I was that drenched in sweat Tasha thought I had a shower.

Pain still bad sitting around a 6-7 still.

Peter still heavily sedated.Awake at 4.30 again with a cramp in my left calf and my body drenched in sweat. So up I got and struggled to the bathroom for a wash. I was that drenched in sweat Tasha thought I had a shower.

Pain still bad sitting around a 6-7 still.

Peter still heavily sedated.



  1. So sorry that you are in so much pain. I hope the pain killer will help numb your pain. Hope Peter will recover from whatever he is suffering from.

  2. OH you are having such a bad bad time Jo-Anne. I am so sorry. I wish there was something the doctors could and would do. This is awful for you.

  3. Sounds like things are just awful. I do hope you see some improvement. *hugs*

  4. Not sure who Peter is, but in my prayers as of right now.

  5. I'm keeping Peter in my thoughts, what a heartbreaking situation, but I know that many people with brain aneurysms don't even make it through the day, I'm hoping Peter's situation will be better.


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