Sunday, 13 February 2022

WEEK 6 OF 2022

 I woke up in a mood and not a good at that, snapped at Tim a bit for which I said sorry.

Kelli came down and did some cleaning for me. They have applied for about 20 places this weekend.

My internet is so slow today I have given up trying to do stuff online, I suspect it is the shitty weather causing the problem.


Awake and up at 4.30 to another bloody wet morning.

Tasha doing the traffic controller course today and tomorrow.

I am in a better frame of mind today.

Managed to go through the boxes of photos Sandy dropped off. Some nice old photos amongst them.


Awake and up at 4.30am, opened the house up and washed then dressed for the day.

Tasha has day two of her course.

Leo has an appointment with pediatrician so no school for him today. Went with them to appointment the Dr was nice we liked him, Leo is nearly 5'7” and in good health.

Kelli helped me get dressed to go to appointment and she is going to get me ready for bed tonight.

Rang the specialist in Sydney about my appointment on the 21st, as she wanted me to have some test done at Westmead hospital but I haven't heard from the hospital about said tests yet and since it is a ways to go and costs a few hundred dollars to see her I don't want to go if the Dr doesn't think it's worthwhile. Of course the Dr wasn't there and will get back to me.


Had a decent nights sleep, woke at 4.30, got up washed and dressed ready for the day. A cool dry start to the day.

Struggling a fair bit today but hanging in there.

Saw Sue when she dropped Kelli off after taking her to a house inspection.

Tim home early from work he was in an accident at work, a black car failed to give way or something and the bus hit it. No one was hurt but the car was written off.


A new day has arrived, I hope I handle it better then yesterday. I was awake and up by 4.45am.

Pain wise I have been so so most of the day but around 1pm my left arm started aching again.

A pretty average day,Tasha going to shower me before I get ready for bed.


Friday at last it has felt like a long ass week, woke at 4.57am straight up and washed then dressed for the day.

My left arm is so painful I can't move it without pain. Crying due to the pain.

Finished typing up grandmother memory book info, now to print and paste into book.


Woke at 5am went and peed then went back to bed till Kathy texted she was on her way at 5.45

I forgot to mention yesterday that Tasha had her course assessment. Will find out later how it went.

Kathy & Summer here this morning, Sydney-May wanted a sleep in so stayed home.

Kathy raised the top shelve in the dishwasher so it will take the new dinner set.

I am in a great deal of pain both arms and both knees.



  1. Hi Jo-Anne, I'm so sorry you're in so much pain. It sucks when you want to do so much but pain stops you in your tracks. I hope you get relief.
    Blessings, Joanne

  2. When I was young, I could ignore aches and pains, but as I age it is more difficult, especially at night. Nothing worse than a bone deep ache that will not go away. I hope you can get some comfort.

  3. I've had a right mood all week, but only busted out Friday. Forgive the ignorant American, what is a traffic controller?

  4. I'm curious too as to what a traffic controller is.

  5. Joanne.......If only I could get some leief

    Kathy.......SSo bloody true

    Chris.......Person with the stop/go sign

    Katie........See above


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