Tuesday, 31 December 2019

Goodbye 2019

Hello everyone, damn it is hot here today, had to turn the air con on at 7am and as I write this it is 30 degrees Celsius but we are headed to a top of 38.
Well the year will be over in 14hrs, and it has been a rotten year the low point was losing Dad something I have not recovered from.

I have been taking down Christmas decorations but many I will have to wait till after I get some grease proof paper to wrap them in. Of course there are some that will just come off and go in the bin. In years gone past I would go shopping in the days after Christmas for decorations and gift bags and even some gifts. This year I was unable to do so.

My daughters no longer want me to go shopping on my own, after the episodes I had on Christmas Day & Boxing Day.


  1. I'm so very sorry that 2019 has been so rough for you. A blogger I follow left a comment on a post a few months ago: "No good comes from an odd-numbered year." I don't know if that really is the case, but it seems that 2019 has been challenging for a great many.

    My very best to you and your family...May 2020 be a *good* year for you, may it be kind, may it bring health, healing, love and laughter.



  3. I hope 2020 is a better year for you. It's been a rough one for so many people--myself included. Here's to a good year!! :)

  4. Goodbye to a not so good year and looking forward to a better year. Wishing you and love ones Happy New Year!

  5. I'd like to wrap the whole year in greasy paper and toss it out. Best of times next year!

  6. I know this was a sad year for you, I hope 2020 brings you happiness.

  7. Kea.......Thannk you, yes it was but I go into 2020 with hopes it is better

    Sandie.....It is cooler today but it will not last

    Rita......Many hope it will be a better year

    Nancy......Thank you, I hope the same for you

    Chris.......Many of us would

    Karen......Thankkk you I hope 2020 is a good year for all

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  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn.blogspot.com/2025/03/just-bit-of-hodgepodge.html https://jamfn....