Saturday, 28 December 2019


Hello blogland, I have been either busy ot had no motivation but here I am on Saturday morning at last writing something. Christmas Eve Tim & I Mum's and I took Jeannie's presents over and as luck would have it she was there and I was able to give it to her.

Sue was also there and I was annoyed with myself that I didn't think to take her present with me, a friend of hers was mowing the lawn for Mum.

Christmas Day I was up at 5.40am and Tim got up and left for work, Tim didn't want to exchange gifts till Boxing Day when the girls and grandchildren will be here. Jessica drove me to see Dad, I left a card my sister Sandy had been and decorated his grave with tinsel and ornaments, it looked good. She then drove me to Mum's where I gave out gifts to family members.

Moving on to Boxing Day, when I went to do the veggies for lunch I found Tim had already peeled and cut them the night before and left them sitting in a bowl of water in the fridge. I then gave Tim his gifts from me but was unable to find my gift from him. I am still unable to find it.

Tim cleaned the lounge-room and moved the dinning room table and then he cooked all the veggies. We had a baked lunch with BBQ chicken all our girls and grandchildren except for Blain who was at his Dad's.

Everyone seemed to liked their gifts.


  1. We are winding down here too. We don’t have a lot planned for New Years. Soon things will get back to our normal routine.

  2. Sounds like a good Christmas...but you need to find your gift! :)

  3. Sorry to hear that the gift disappeared, but I know that with your Christmas pre-planning, Tim knows you got him something really nice, and the thought counts.

  4. Leo likes sitting on boxes and really I did too as a little girl. I think I may have climbed in as late as 11.

  5. Rick......Yes things will soon return too normal

    Rita......Still looking

    Chris......We bought the gift together so know what it is

    Katie......Yes he still loves playing in and with boxes

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