Sunday, 22 December 2019

Each colour is a different day of the week in my life

Had a terrible night, I had to change my pants due to an accident. A cool start to the day. However, while hanging the washing on the line I started to feel hot and sticky so I turned the air con on.
Kathy rang me this afternoon in a state about how her children and Michael saying they don't appreciate her and think she is a joke, she went on for 20 minutes. I understand how she feels all mothers feel used and unappreciated at times.
After speaking to her I felt like a failure and after having a shower I sat and cried for ages.

This morning the men came and erected the new carport.
Jessica took me over to Lake Fair to go do some Christmas shopping. We took the wheelchair and she pushed me without and complaint.
Tim home at 2pm today
I was on the phone to mum we Tim got home.

Awake, up and dressed at 5.30am going to be a warmish to hot today, doors and windows opened.
I am not feeling great today, not sick just not great.
Tim home early again around 2.15pm I really just want to sleep.
Mum & Dawson along with Sandra who drove went to Wakefield school for their end of year presentation. Sandy didn't really want to drive them but had a good time anyway and could see that Mum & Dawson were really welcomed and wanted there.

Up again at 5.30am it was cool when I got up but is going to get bloody hot again.
Leo ran off without taking his medication he said they will not notice. I am annoyed.
Jessica came over and helped me wrap and bag Christmas presents there is no way I could do it.
I turned the air con on around 11am tomorrow it will be hotter. Top temp of 38 today.
Jess and Leo turned up after school he was very emotional and gave me a couple of long tight hugs and some lovely flowers.

Up at 6.30 today rang Tasha and asked when it would be good to have a shower she said 9am.
I managed to have a shower and dress myself. It is going to be a stinking hot day.
Leo is coming over for the night.
Tasha turned up at 5.
to help me get ready for bed.
Been so hot today.

Had a better nights sleep, this morning I wore my Christmas dress today it wasn't suppose to be that hot but of course it is.
Leo came shopping with me and he was a big help and after shopping I had to go to the doctors for a script and was there for ages, with Tasha waiting in the car.
Jessica is doing a wine tour today.

Awake at 6am but laid in bed till 7am, the first thing I noticed when I opened the front door was that Tasha's car was missing. I don't know if she went out early or was out all night. I sent her a text but as yet to receive a reply.
Kathy brought my shopping over she had Sydney-May with her.
After she left I was in the laundry and when I stepped backwards I twisted my ankle and fell but didn't end up on the ground I landed against the bench.
Been a really stinking hot day.
I just got off the phone to mum and I am not doing goo, just low BGL managed to ring Tasha and she came and helped me.

Well that is the last week in my life and now to share it with others


  1. I agree that moms are never appreciated to the point where they should be. Moms should have a "password" of "Where would I be without her" before you get to see them.

  2. I wish you were feeling better and it was cooler. Glad you have help when you need it. :)

  3. Sometimes our kids may say unkind things to us and we can become emotional and hurt. Deep down in their heart I think our kids do not mean it, sometimes they are just feeling bad and being nasty about it. This is part and parcel of motherhood. I hope the days will be cooler for you and you will be feeling better too. Merry Christmas to you and love ones.

  4. It makes me sad that you cried. You are such a kind, giving person. You always do so much for your family, and you leave sweet comments on blogs. I love you, Jo-Anne.


  5. Chris.......Ha HA Yeah

    Rita.......A cool day her at last

    Nancy......So true children speaks without thought of consequences

    Janie......Thank you so much for your kind words, a good cry helps at times

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