Sunday, 15 December 2019

Another week in my life

It is 5.30pm and I am only just getting around to writing in my diary. I was awake at 6ish but couldn't be bothered getting up so laid in bed till 7am.
Kathy-Lee & Michael turned up around 10 to pick up the trailer.
At midday Jess turned up to get Leo, then at 12.30 Kelli brought Blain home and her along with Daemon & Freya and all of them hung around till about 4pm. It was great seeing them.
Mum rang at 3pm we spoke for about an hour then Kathy-Lee turned up to drop off the trailer. So since the house was full loud I said bye to mum and rang her back after everyone left.
When I rang her back mum & I talked for another half hour.

Monday now and I have had bugga all motivation all day just sitting around doing nothing.
I got up at 6am and got dressed but have not felt like doing anything.
This afternoon I spent a lot of time crying. I miss Dad so much. When Tim got home he gave me a hug and said he understands although he doesn't miss his dad.

Had a little sleep in this morning getting up at 6.30, although I was awake for a while before I got up.
After I got up I had a shower and rang Tasha to assist me getting dressed.
Going to be another stinking hot day, turned the air con at 8am.
Tim home by 1.30pm.

It was very dark in the house this morning, when I woke up I thought it was earlier then it was. So laid in bed for a while and was surprised to see it was 6.30 when I did get up I didn't think it was that late.
Around 11ish some men came and took down the carport. I hope this makes Tim happy.
It is a nice day no need for the air con thankfully.
Jess has brought over her rego papers for me to do the registration for her again. Yes she should do it herself but it also made me feel good that she trusts me.

I was up and dressed by 6.45am although like yesterday it was very dark inside the house so I thought it was earlier then it was.
Blain's birthday he is now 14..............i gave him a card with $20 in it.

No shopping today as Leo had an appointment with Dr Murray at 11am over at John Hunter Hospital.
It has been a warm day but no need for the a/c.
I am worried about mum she isn't coping with her bills she is talking about using a credit card to pay her bills, then get a Centrelink loan to pay off the credit card. I said no no no not to do it.

This morning Tim took me & Leo to the Square so I could do some shopping. Leo hadn't taken his medication so was restless and asking when would we be leaving.
Kathy-Lee was in a right mood this morning her and Michael had a fight last night because he was going on about having his own business and Kathy helping him, however, she has no interest in doing so.
Had to turn the air con around lunch time.

Time to post


  1. Busy week. Glad you had some days cool enough not to use the AC. :)

  2. Your advice to Mum is dead on. You only end up in debtor's court that way, I been there.

  3. Rita.......It is nice to have the doors open

    Chris.....Most of us have been drowning in debt

  4. It wears me out just reading about your week.

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Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....