Sunday, 21 July 2019

The week that was No:: 29

Hello world, here I am a starting another post about my life during the week.

Slept in till 9am only woke once last night so a much better night

When mum rang she said that Dave, Leigh and the girls asked her to go to Port Macquarie with them tomorrow, she said yes.

After mum rang Dave rang and asked if I would like to go to Port with them tomorrow, I said yes. So big day out tomorrow.

I will have to set alarm for 4am to wake Tasha as she wants to be up that early for some strange reason and 5.30am for me to get up as Dave will be here at 6.15am.

Tim said he will give me money for tomorrow.

I had no problem getting up when both alarms went off. I was up and dressed when Dave & Leigh arrived.

I slept part of the drive to Port Macquarie, we had breakfast at Pancake Place before walking to find a cheap shop.

Although I didn't walk far before Dave decided to push me on the walker. It made it so much easier for me.

I slept most of the way home.

Jess & Leo didn't go to visit Jay as Jay cancelled.

I got home by 4pm but mum didn't ring as we spent all day together.

Tuesday has been a quite day here, told Tim all about yesterday.

Had Tasha pick up some treatment for thrush for me. I remember the days when you had to see a Dr be examined before you could get a script. Now you just go to the chemist buy a pill and take it and you're usually right.

My back has been painful all day.

Wednesday has been an ok day, Mum went to Paddy's market with Dave & Leigh and their girls. However, I was unable to go as Dave thought it was too far for me manage. I understand but still I was disappointed.

I had Leo & Daemon while Jess & Kelli went clothes shopping. While they where here Kathy and her girls turned up and both the girls had fun playing the boys. Blain stayed home at Cessnock on his own.

Mum rang me at 5.10pm after she got home.
Thursday was a quite day spent at home doing nothing

Friday was Jeannie's birthday she is 51, saw her at the square and gave her a present.

Leo spent last night with Kelli & family so just me and Jess this morning.

Dawson is unwell so not going to work.

I was so tired that I went back to bed when I got home.

Tasha's bathroom is mostly done.

Saturday I was up at 8am and dressed, Jess & Leo here before I was up.

I forgot that Leo was staying the night till I was having a smoke this afternoon. When I mentioned it to Tim he flipped out, started yelling and throwing things.

Saying I NEVER tell him stuff, he went on about stuff that happened a year or more ago.

Leo told him it was a year ago forget it and move on.

When I went to bed he didn't want to kiss me or hug me. Although after I was in bed he came in and gave me a kiss.

I had of course said I was sorry and when I asked what I could do to help make things better he said to say sorry and I said I already said sorry about 7 times already.
So now it is Sunday and time to post


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....