Sunday, 7 July 2019

The week that was No: 27

Another post written posted for the week, so time to start the next week that was post.

Tim is working today as he does most days.......

Jessica came over and Natasha dyed her hair, as well Leo's hair as Jessica hasn't been able to get rid of his head lice and they are hoping dying it will help.

Monday morning at 5am I got up to go to the toilet and found Tim up watching TV, he found a lump on his neck which is worrying him so he has made a Dr's appointment for midday and called in sick. By 8am he has decided that it is his gland.

He saw the Dr and he said it is an infection and prescribed antibiotics.

Had a phone call about my blood glucose machine they are sending me a new machine.

Tim striped the bed and washed the sheets and him and Tasha remade the bed this afternoon.

Tuesday morning I was awake at 7.15am but it was so cold I didn't want to get out of bed. So I turned the heater on and laid there for 20 minutes before getting up.

Tasha came and dressed me and complained about how cold the house was.

Felt a bit off most of the morning at around 12.30 Natasha came down and gave me some honey which helped clear my head.

Having a shocking afternoon BGL's all over the place feeling hot and sweating and very emotional crying a lot.

Made a dr's appointment for Monday.

Leo here tonight

Tuesday night I slept well and feel ok when I first got up.

However, I decided not to take my insulin unless my BGL is over 10 and see how I go.

Not taking the insulin has worked out better, I have been much better today, more with it and less confused.

Kathy's parcel arrived so I was able to have a nap this afternoon.
Thursday not as cold today but pretty wet as well. Tim took the car to work this morning because of the rain.

Tasha picked up the pie drive order at the school and was surprised at how much there was.

Leo here tonight.

Tim on early day shifts so home by 2pm.

Tim took the car to work because of the wet weather.

On Friday Tasha picked mum & Dawson up and drove them to Charlie. Saw Jeannie at Charlie.

Jessica met me at the square which was great after we were done Tasha drove us home.

I bought KP24 to treat Leo's head lice and two fine tooth metal combs.

Last day of the school term.

Saturday and Tim off today and he spent most of the day cleaning out one of his sheds and taking stuff up the front for the kerbside collection

We had Leo all day while Jess was at work.

Tasha treated Leo with KP24.


  1. Hi Jo-Anne - lots going on ... but hope all will be well medical wise and that you can get rid of Leo's head lice ... not nice - poor lad. Have a good week ... cheers Hilary

  2. Glad to hear Tim's lump wasn't anything terrible... That BGL is a bit scary, though...

  3. What a time! I hope everyone is feeling better. :)

  4. Hilary.....Thanks head lice is shocking to get rid

    Chris.....Thanks and it was

    Rita.....We are doing ok

  5. Lice hate butter. You gotta soak your head in melted butter.

  6. Wow, you've had a busy couple of days. Hope everyone is feeling better.

  7. Lots of happening going on there for you and family. Good to know that Tim is alright and you are feeling much better. Hope there is a something to get rid of the head lice completely. It is nice to have family members helping one another in times of need. Take care.

  8. A lot going on there. Hope you're feeling better and I hope you were able to get rid of the head lice. I went through that many years ago when my kids were young and it was a horrible experience.

  9. Karen.....It was and we are

    Nancy.....Just everyday busy lives

    Mama......Head lice is often a battle to get rid of


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Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....