Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Gross Facts No 22

Time for some gross facts

Miso is a Japanese paste made from rice, barley and soybeans that is mixed with fungus.......yuck

In China it's considered a delicacy to leave eggs to rot for months, turning the yokes green, before the are eaten.....really gross

Offal are the internal organs of an animal

Tripe is the rubbery lining of a cow's stomach.......no thank you

Black pudding is a blood sausage cooked until it goes solid...........why, just why


  1. Okay I read through all of them and this one got me: Black pudding is a blood sausage cooked until it goes solid...........why, just why?

  2. Okay, so let's put a spoonful of Miso and a spoonful of Vegemite in front of me, and see which one I'll give a try...

    In China, do they like their ham green as well?

    Black pudding we just called blood pudding. Before I got a chance to try it, though, the slaughterhouses were forbidden to sell the blood anymore.

  3. I knew what tripe was, but now I do wonder why the Chinese don't get sick from eating rotten eggs.

  4. Sandie.......Glad you liked it

    Chris......You don't eat vegemite by the spoonful, that wuld be yuck

    Karen......I wondered that too

  5. I have used miso in soup before. Didn't know about the fungus--LOL!

    All of the rest are super gross. ;)

  6. My grandma talked me into trying tripe when I was a teenager. To this day I shiver a little when I Thulfiqar that day.

  7. Rita.....Yep they are

    Rick.....Yuck, no way I would try it

  8. I've never eaten any of these items and don't think I'll try them in the future. Thank you for the information.


  9. ya know, some of this foods...if we were cave men or starving...that's one thing........


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