Tuesday, 2 July 2019

Gross Facts No:20

Here are some gross facts for today.

A type of Sardinian cheese has maggots put in it on purpose......gross indeed

Cider markers use to add meat to their mixture of apples and water, as the meat rotted it helped the mixture turned to cider.........yuck

The meat was usually livestock but sometimes it was from the rats that fell into the mixture by accident..........yuck

Salami develops a mould around its casing while it is being made, the mould is left on to give it more flavour.

Some wine makers use mouldy grapes to make sweet wines.......bloody hell


  1. GROSS! A type of Sardinian cheese has maggots put in it on purpose......gross indeed. Did you know they put maggots on diabetic feet to eat the dead skin on them? Not here - but I have seen a picture of it. GROSS!

  2. Another great post for my diet, lol!

  3. Well there's a bunch of things I'll never eat or drink again.

  4. Sandie.....Yes gross indeed, have heard that about maggots eating dead skin

    Margaret...Yuck is the word


    Chris.....Sorry about that

    Karen.....Same here


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn.blogspot.com/2025/03/just-bit-of-hodgepodge.html https://jamfn....