Sunday, 28 July 2019

The week that was No:30

Well I was up at 8am had to get Tasha to come dress me, later she came and got my breakfast.

Leo woke up around 9.30am and Kathy & her girls arrived at 10am and drove me to see Dad.

At 11am I medicated Leo and gave him the wrong medication and he has been asleep on & off all afternoon.

Monday I did bugga all, went and waited at Tasha's while she went out.

I was still in bed when Natasha arrived on Tuesday morning. She wanted to know if I could go and sit at her house while she drove Leo to school as she still have workmen there, well one man painting was there.

Leo not here for the night as Tasha couldn't pick him up from school.

Wednesday saw me having a bath at 7am followed by a day at home blogging, watching tv and writing a letter or two.

Thursday now and I woke up coughing this morning, had to get Tasha to help dress me.

I lent as in gave Tasha money for medication for Blain $47 and another $45 for smokes.

Tasha thought the workmen were done and dusted but then they found some water damage I n a bedroom so may be fixing that.

Tasha picked up Leo early from school, he is here for the night.

Tasha told me that she can only drop me at the square tomorrow, and Jess said she can't meet me so I am not going to Charlie tomorrow. I really need her help.

I sent Jessica a Facebook and after some to and fro she decided she would meet me as usual.

This was after I cancelled with mum, so not going to tell mum about the change.

Tasha came down and help me dress after I had a bath, I didn't wear any make up just lippy.

I didn't get a nap because mum rang and by the time I got off the phone it was too late.

I sent Michael a text for his birthday, which was yesterday and I forgot.

It is now Saturday and I had a horrible nights sleep last night. I slept for an hour at a time, for maybe 5hrs max.

I was awake at 1.32am trying to settle, I came out to the lounge room and had a biscuit and a small drink before going back to bed.

Managed to have a 2.5hr nap this morning and a smoke at lunch I had something else.

This afternoon I was ok more or less but I will be early to bed again. I hope I have a better nights sleep.

Jessica arrived around 5.30pm to get Leo, he was good and not medicated all day.


  1. Jo-Anne...I must read back and see what has gone on with your health. Feel better, my friend.

  2. Katie.......Taking it one day at a time


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....