Sunday, 14 July 2019

The Week that Was No:28

Good afternoon everyone, here I am starting another week that was post, today I did the medications for Tim & myself and Leo. I also vacuumed out once and Leo vacuumed out once. I also got the clothes off the line and hung another load on them.

Monday, Tim and I went to the doctors but as we got in the car to leave the doctors surgery rang and said Dr Arun had to leave for a family emergency so had to see Dr Leo. Tim didn't like him.

He has referred me to see whatever counsellor I want to. He didn't recommend anyone.

So I will have to do some research and find someone.

Had our toilet replaced while we were out can't use it till 2pm.

Tim is off for 3 days.

Tuesday I was up at 6.30am another cold day here.

Kathy rang at 7.40am to ask if I could watch Summer today while her & Michael are working and Sydney is at her father's.

Summer spent most of the day watch telly sitting on my arm chair.

Tim was out and about all day cashing in cans helping Jess with stuff. He left here at 9.30 and was back at 2pm.

After Tim got home I went for a nap before mum rang.

On Wednesday morning Tim had a phone call at 2.55am from Diane next door he got up and went over to see her. She was a bit upset as Kevin was taken to hospital.

Mum got a phone number for grief counselling through palliative care at the Mater. Natasha will ring and make an appointment for a time that is good for her to take me.
Had Leo for a few hours while Jess had work.

Jess also did her tax return and is getting money back, last year she owed them money.

Thursday morning, Tim back at work, Tasha turned up as I was attempting to make breakfast and took over for me which was a big help.

Later on Tasha asked if I could go up and stay at her place while she popped out. She has workmen in renovating her bathroom and kitchen. I was there for an hour.

Leo here tonight, so his mum can have a break, she too our car home for the night.
Not having a good day.

Friday now and I had a horrible night last night, I was waking every couple of hours and it took an hour or more to go back to sleep.

I got up at 6.30am and had to call Natasha to come and dress me.

Jessica arrived at 7.50am to get me & Leo and we all went to the square. We picked up Dawson on the way.

I had a terrible morning but a better afternoon.

Jess took the car home, she is working tomorrow.

Still hot & cold all day, managed to have a nap.

Tim home at 3.45pm

Mum told me that Ed got a shock when he did his tax return, it came up that he owed $5,000.

The ATO say he owes $14,000 from a higher education loan he got years ago, only he has never got such loan and was in fact working at the time. He now has to prove that.

Saturday and Leo here today as Jess doing a wine tour. I had a better night last night.

Natasha drove Tim over to get our car from Jessica's. Will gone Kathy went and stayed at Tasha as she still has workmen in.

Been a nice day, here, very windy

Tim went over and did an oil change for Kevin Brown, on his car.

It was 6pm by the time Jess arrived to get Leo.

Sunday again and time to post this.

I didn't post during the last week just no motivation to do so.


  1. Busy happenings there Jo-Anne.

  2. What a tax mess! Such errors can be difficult to straighten out. I'm sorry you don't feel well. I think of you always.


  3. Margaret......Busy indeed

    Janie......Yeah a right mess indeed


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....