Thursday, 18 July 2019

Poem Thursday No:17

Some people come
into our lives and
quickly leave, while
some stay awhile
leaving footprints
on our hearts, and
we are never the
same again.



  1. Very true - and everyone is sent to us for a reason, even though we don't know what the reason is at the time.

  2. So very true in our lives....
    They are all sent to us for a purpose just as we were sent to touch other people's lives.

  3. I love this poem because it is SO TRUE!

  4. So true. When my dad died I wrote a blog post and made a graphic about fingerprints that loved ones leave on our hearts.

  5. Margaret......Yes so true indeed

    Nancy.......Yes we are

    Mama......Thank you

    Karen.....Yes s o true


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