Thursday, 4 July 2019

Poem Thursday No 16

Hello Thursday afternoon, it is a cold but mostly dry day but you don't care about the weather,so here is something you may care about.

Sometimes our thoughts turn
back toward a corner in a forest, or
the end of a bank, or an orchard
powered with flowers, seen but a
single time....yet remaining in our
hearts and leaving in soul and body
an unappeased desire which is not
to be forgiven, a feeling we have
just rubbed elbows with happiness

BY: Guy De Maupassant


  1. So true. Have a wonderful day!

  2. I know this author, beautiful:)

  3. I bow the author as well and this is a fine one for us here.

  4. I have not thought of Guy de Maupassant in many years. Thank you for reminding me.


  5. Hi Jo-Anne ... what a gorgeous poem ... reminds me of our verges where they're creating wildflower 'meadows' for mammals, insects and birds to live and feed - while connecting other areas. Cheers Hilary

  6. Nancy........agreed, most days are good


    Natalia......Yes beautiful

    Katie.......Pleased you liked

    Janie.......I am glad I could do that

    Hilary......Yes it is a lovely poem


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