Monday, 22 July 2019

Did you know 27

Good morning world another cold day here in Newie, I hope this week I am more with it when it comes to blogging.

Here are this weeks did you know facts, more facts about Lincoln & Kennedy.

Andrew Johnson who succeeded Lincoln was born in 1808 and Lyndon Johnson who succeeded Kennedy was born in 1908.

John Wilkes Booth who assassinated Lincoln, was born in 1839, Lee Harvey Oswald who assassinated Kennedy was born I,n 1939.

Booth ran from a theatre and was caught in a warehouse, Oswald ran from a warehouse and was caught in a theatre.

Both were assassinated before going to trial.

Lastly nothing to do with either man is

In 1983 the U S A wanted FIFA to pass a law making soccer goalkeepers wear helmets.


  1. Of all the players that head the ball around, the goalie does it the least. That made perfect sense, lol!

  2. Hi Jo-Anne - hope you have a better week ... odd how things can align - take care - Hilary

  3. I have read this before - isn't it amazing the similarities?

  4. You're cold. I'm hot. Why can't we mix the two?


  5. Chris.......Yes perfect sense

    Hilary......It's a ok week at the moment

    Sandie......Me too

    Janie.....That would be good


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....