Friday, 29 March 2013

Good Friday and what it means to me

Good Friday is a pond us and this post was to be written yesterday but when I got home from doing my shopping I just didn’t feel like doing much of anything so her it is Friday morning and I am at last sitting at the computer to write. 

Well as I said today is Good Friday what does that mean to people, for me it is day you don’t eat meat you eat fish instead and in my whole life 50yrs I can only remember eating a bit of meat once on Good Friday and that was way back when I first meet Tim and forgot it was Good Friday and then I felt aweful for eating meat.

I am not a church goer I use to be but not so much anymore, now I know there are religions other than Christian and that is all good and fine but if you are a Christian do you eat meat on Good Friday. I raised my girls to not have meat on Good Friday and now they are all grown and out on their own I have no control over what they do and don’t eat but I do hope they still don’t eat meat on Good Friday.  Now I know they are not very religious but I hope they don’t eat meat on Good Friday as I feel it is one day during the year how hard is it to go without meat on this one day, and by meat I mean all meat not just read meat and yeah I know there are those who think white meat such as chicken and pork don’t count as meat………….well I you call it meat then it is meat…………… don’t call fish meat…………..I was raised you don’t eat meat on Good Friday none of this it is only red meat you don’t eat that is bullshit…………….yes I said bullshit…………it is all meat and it is one bloody day of the year.

I don’t know why it is so important to me but it is and I hope my daughters can do it for me, even though I am not a church goer. I am a believer, I do pray and I do trust God to guide my life. I don’t need to go to church to converse with God I do it most nights when I go to bed before I drift off to sleep at night.


  1. I'm not very religious anymore either. But some things are still very important to me.

    I love God very much. I think that's what matters. ;)

  2. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Thanks for writing such a post; that proves courage!
    Oh, how bad we felt when we were kids for having eaten before going to Church (you could not have Communion when you ate something...) or like you said; in error.
    We still do go to Church, guess it is even more important for being an immigrant. It makes us all into one family; in love for one another. People that don't go to Church usually don't dress well either. We were raised to dress your best for entering the house of God. It was a culture and one that has been passed on for over 2,000 by our ancestors. Nobody can claim that the were ALL stupid or wrong... Those that don't believe anything, or never go to Church, they often lack discipline and moral values. Nowadays the young people live for their hobbies anyway; it looks like. They go several times a year on vacation and the weekends are dedicated to sports etc. That has become the new religion.
    Does it help them? Does it calm them and reassure them? I doubt it.
    So let's meditate on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday and than rejoice in Easter.
    Wishing you and your loved ones a very meaningful and Happy Easter!
    Hugs to you,

    1. Yes I was also raised to wear my best clothes when going to church and on the odd occasion when I do go to church I still like to dress nicely, no torn shirts or jeans with torn knees or tops with yulgar stuff written on it. I think such clothes in church is a sign of disrespect.

      I hope you have a wonder Easter

  3. I do go to church regularly, but I agree that I don't need to be in church at all to talk with and commune with God. He's always listening.

    Happy Easter, my friend!

    1. Thanks nice to know others agree that I don't need to go to church to talk with God

  4. I agree with you red meat or white's still meat.
    I am Christian as well but our denomination isn't one that ever had limitations on eating meat on Good Friday, so I wouldn't have ever thought about it.

    I still go to church but I can totally understand why people don't feel the need. You are right you can still pray and have faith without organized religion.

    Have a very Happy Easter!!!

    1. I understand that the not eating meat is not part of all religions but it is important to me.

  5. For me, the meat isn't as important as the meaning.

    1. That is all fine and good with me the meaning of Easter is important

  6. Happy Easter, my friend. We had fish! :D

    As far as growing your blog, I like your blog so much, and I think others will find your blog and like it, too.

    1. Thanks my friend.........hubby had fish yesterday I had chips and eggs


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