Wednesday, 13 March 2013

No Emails and a New Telly

For some bloody reason I have not be able to check my emails yesterday and again today so I am now waiting in the cue for some dill for tech support to answer the phone and help me get it sorted out, I keep getting this stupid message:

An error occurred during a connection to
You have received an invalid certificate.  Please contact the server administrator or email correspondent and give them the following information:
Your certificate contains the same serial number as another certificate issued by the certificate authority.  Please get a new certificate containing a unique serial number.
(Error code: sec_error_reused_issuer_and_serial)

What the hell it was fine on Monday, I would had rang tech support yesterday but I was in and out of the house a fair bit and didn't have the time to sit in a cue for who knows how long waiting for some dill to answer.

Ok after waiting for over half an hour they answered and the guy says I have to transfer you to someone else who can help you then I get music followed by nothing then more music and I am stuck waiting again.........

Ok I get someone woman/dill who tries this and that and in the end did nothing she hang up on me........why.........well I think it was because she had no answer and didn't know what to do so just hang up and let me ring back and get someone Which I did the second woman told me that the problem is with Bigpond and there is nothing I can do from my end to fix it and all she could suggest is try checking it periodiclly and at some point the problem she be fixed and I will get my bloody

Anyway no emails mean I didn't check in with a lot of blogs yesterday or this morning oh well such is life and hopefully this problem will not last long.........and I can still do other things online

Oh yeah I was going to show you a photo of my new here it's a 47" 3D set and yeah I know I said I didn't want a 3D set but hubby did so I agreed it didn't cost that much more to get the 3D set then it would have to get a normal set and we had the money.


  1. Your new tv looks great. And I hope they get that email mess straightened out- it's so frustrating when stuff like that happens.

    1. Still unable to check my emails I hope it doesn't tak to long to get straightened out.

  2. Boy, I really hate being on hold for long periods of time, only to be transferred to someone else. It's so frustrating. I hope everything is straightened out for you soon.


    1. Yeah all in all I was on the phone to Telstra/Bigpond for 1hr and 15mins thank goodness we have a hands free speaker phone

  3. That is soooo annoying when the technology breaks down. Ring bigpond see if they can help . Hope it gets fixed son. You will have fun with that beaut TV. We got one a few weeks ago but we don't like the 3D it makes our eyes and head hurt. But it is great for other stuff.

    1. I did ring Bigpond it was them who told me the problem was from their end and noting I could do to fix it. I am not that interested in 3D but hubby is so that is why we got the set we did

  4. You have the patience of a saint! I would have hung up after 15 minutes! I love your new TV!!

    1. It helps when you have a hands free speaker phone so I am not stuck holding a phone to my ear..........

  5. Your new TV looks lovely.
    Well, bigpond and emails plus waiting in a cue on the phone...pain in the neck at times. I always check the status of bigpond in mybigpond if there is a problem with bigpond email, it often says they are working on it but it's still a nuisance. Hope it works soon.

    1. Thanks it is a nice size and I am happy with it, I will go and check out mybigpond after I have finished here and see what they say......just to see if they say what the operator said......

  6. Technology is a wonderful thing until it doesn't work right and then it is pure hell. I have had so many of those conversations with tech support and they could drive a person insane.

    Love your TV. Have fun with it.

    1. Yeah I know what you mean sometimes the tech support person sounds like a big dill who has no idea what they are talking about.

  7. I think that having to wait on hold for tech support easily when the solution is not fixed is a big pet peeve of mine. I hope your TV holds up to all your expectations. I love it. :-)

    1. Yeah over an hour on the phone to two different tech support people and no fix makes one quite annoyed.....
      It will be interesting to see what hubby things about the 3D part when he watches a 3D movie.......

  8. Hello, Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Oh, the PC trouble always frustrating, isn't it ・(>_<;)・
    Your new TV looks GORGEOUS; I wish I had space for the big size one in my little living room p;)

    So sorry for my absene to your blog, I wish all of your family is dog well.
    Lots of love and hugs from sis-city in Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Yeah I like the new telly, but I understand what you mean about some rooms not being big enough for a big tv.

  9. Nice TV. We are thinking we might have to upgrade sooner rather than later as they switch to digital in our area in April.
    As for Bigpond, sonetimes they are great and others...well
    Hope you get it sorted soon

    1. We have had a digital tv for years but this one as I said is 3D which is what hubby wanted.

      I still have problem with me email very frustrating

  10. Hope you're loving your new tv. And that you have your email back. I hate when things glitch up like that.

    Happy Weekend!

    1. Still no email, still feeling frustrated and looks like being a wet ole weekend

  11. Oooh...HATE getting tech support!
    That's one BIG TV!

    1. Yeah some tech support are helpful some are just useless.........and yeah the tv is big and I am happy with it


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