Sunday, 31 March 2013

Not reading but listening to books.............

Not long ago I thought my computer had packed it in it froze and when I shut it down and went to restart it, it took so bloody long to boot up and I thought it was dead but alas I was wrong and it has booted up and it seems to be working fine now.

Kathy just rang and said she is going to bring the girls over for a visit in an hour or so, this morning when I got up I got out Tim's Easter Bunny it is a Ferro Rocher bunny with a packet of Ferro Rocher chocolates. He gave me nothing but said he will go out tomorrow and get me something, as I told him I wasn't buying myself something he is old enough to get me something himself.......

I slept a bit better last night but I can tell you today I have woken up feeling like shit, I am aching from the top of my head to my toes yeah all over and I am feeling so bloody tired but I am trying not to go back to bed but instead to try and stay awake and do some things like writing this post. I have already managed to read around 40 blogs so I don't think I will bother reading any more this afternoon.

I was going to go over to my parents place and take over their Easter presents but I am just not up to it................really this staying awake thing is bloody hard..................

Last night while listening to an audio book on my eReader it died in the middle of a chapter so I am now charging the eReader so I can continue with my book tonight, I have been listening to a chapter or 2 each nighte before going to sleep. The book is The Green Mill Murder by Kerry Greenwood it is a Phryne Fisher story, you can find out more about Kerry and the Phryne Fishere books here:

The audio book is a digital audio book that I borrowed from the local library you download the book to your computer and then you can transfer it to a device that will play it or you can listen to it via the computer. I wasn't sure if my eReader would play it but it does and I am so happy.
Also on Wednesday I went to the library and borrowed a book on CD this one is a Dick Francis novel, Dick is another one of my favourite authors he writes books set around horse races.

It feels good to be reading again and by reading I mean listening to books being read to


  1. I hope Tim makes good on his promise to get you something- Happy Easter!

    1. I will be shocked if he does I think he has already forgotten........

  2. Sorry to hear you are not feling well. But what a good idea to listen to ebooks. You're smart working out how to download them and transfer them to your reader. I need to learn how to transfer them to my iPad. TOH loves Dick Francis books. We also watch the Miss Fisher Murders on TV. Channel 2 .

    1. Yeah I was happy when I figured it out it is nice laying in bed just listening to the book for a while before going to sleep.

  3. Sorry you are not feeling well. There is something in the air, I think. I have been feeling extreme fatigue as of late.

    I haven't tried listening to audio books on my e-reader. I buy a lot of audio cd sets and listen to them in the car when I travel.

    Easter is probably over there but here I am preparing an
    Easter brunch right now.

    Have a great day.

    1. I am feeling a bit better today, my mum was telling me she also had a day on Saturday when she felt really bloody tired.

      Yeah I didn't think I could listen to a book on the eReader so was pleased when I figured out how to do so.

  4. I like books read to me also. Sounds good to go to bed by a book. I think I shall read today as not much else is happening today.

    1. Yeah it is really nice listening to the book for a while before going to sleep it is something I have done on and off for many years, I use to listen to cd books but after my cd player packed it in I stopped doing so

  5. I hope you feel better. I feel like shit, too. Hate holidays. Tim needs to get his arse in gear and buy gifts for you in a timely manner. I can't listen to books. I'm a visual person.


    1. I am feeling better today not anywhere near as tired

  6. Hope you feel better. Look on the bright side. It's already Monday where you are.
    Oh, that's probably not a BRIGHT side, is it?

  7. Trust you had a lovely Easter. No Easter Eggs in this house. eReader, I always have mine reading to me too! :)
    That way I can do other things as I listen.

  8. Hope you're feeling better soon! How horrid to spend your holiday under the weather.

  9. I hope you feel better very soon, Jo-Anne. It's just awful when you feel like that. I haven't got any motivation to do very much at all at the moment, as it is SO bitterly cold outside - stilL! Biting winds. Do hope that it will warm up soon. Take care. I didn't get anything from hubby for Easter either!

  10. Hope you get to feeling better soon!

    I prefer reading to audio books, but sometimes I have so many books to read for school that I slip in a fun audio book every now and then. I listen to them on my commute to my university, which is about an hour away from home. It's a nice distraction. :)


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