Saturday, 16 March 2013

No Emails & the feeling of a crowded house....

What a couple of days still can't get any emails which is really starting to become annoying, anyway last night we had Jes & Leo here for the night and of course they were here yesterday when I got home from shopping and all day today in fact I have to watch Leo while Jes goes out to sit for her drivers authority (DA) she needs this in order to drive passenger cars but not Taxis to drive a cab you need a special Taxi Licence. I have no idea how long she will be gone Tim said the test takes between 4 & 5 hours but I hope when she finishes she comes back she just picks Leo up and goes home. I love Leo but would like to have some room to move in my bed, Leo takes up a lot of room for a small boy…………lol

I am half expecting my other daughter Natasha to ask if Blain can stay tonight and if she does I have no idea what I will say as I hate to say no to Blain but at times I just don’t feel like having a child here three nights in a row even if  it is not the same child. 

Tim is at work today and again tomorrow so tomorrow I am hoping to have the day home alone, it has just felt crowded here with Jes and Leo here most of Thursday and Friday and again today Saturday. 

Here is a question for you when you are used to having a quite house do you find after a few hours do your visitors start to annoy you and you look forward to them leaving and having a quiet house again. I know I do and so do my parents they love having all the family over but love it just as much when we all leave and go home………….lol


  1. I understand completely. Although I spend most of my day around lots of people, I can only be at my best when I've had a little bit of time just to myself.

  2. When I have had family for a week;I about go crazy. I need tons of space.I about went crazy last year when my daughter visited me for a week and occupied every inch of my house. Love her to death but not used to other people in my home.

    1. Yeah my parents found that when my sister Sue moved home to live with them after a week or so they would get on each others neves so they told her she can only stay with them for a few days at a time....

  3. I feel the same way, after the visit is over, time to go home.

  4. I felt that way about three days after my son was born!

    1. Bit hard for your son to go back were he came

  5. I rarely have visitors, so I don't have problems with people in my house. It's very quiet here, even with three dogs.


    1. I don't mind having visitors as long as they don't hang around for hours on end.......

  6. I am ready for the weekend - have a great one. sandie

  7. I understand completely! When our nest emptied, I got used to our routine with just the two of I always say about the it when they come and love it when they go back home!

    1. Yeah I think many of us feel like that I didn't understand as a young woman when my nan would say it. I wouldn't say it is an older generation thing though as my special girl (Jessica) often feels like that when she has visiors loves having them there loves it when they leave.

  8. I don't have my grand kids often enough so I haven't got to that stage yet. However, I can remember my parents saying the same thing. I have only had our young family here once when Fox was 3 months now he is nearly 3 and he has a little brother. Its time they came home again from overseas.

    1. I know I am lucky to have my grandkids so much along with their mothers coming over.

  9. That's why my weekends are long--I'm home alone all week mostly and then it's SO LOUD for those couple days!


Iraq National Anthem

  This week we are looking at Iraq’ national anthem it is titled Mawtini which in English mean My Homeland, it is a poem written by the Pale...