Tuesday, 26 March 2013

An Empty Rock and a Find for Mum

Today is Tuesday and this Tuesday mum and I went to see nan, yes we went on a Tuesday we have started alternating the days we go one week we go on the Wednesday the next we will go on the Tuesday this way we are able to take both Temika and Liarna. Temika comes with us on Wednesdays and Liarna on Tuesdays, however today we had no child with us why you wonder…………well Liarna’s mum Leigh wasn’t as work today because he grandmother passed away yesterday morning. 

When I got home from visiting nan I notice that the key rock that is in the front garden was opened and the key missing, my guess is that Leo got into it as he has done that before much to my annoyance. Tim said he thinks we should replace the lock and I am all for that he just has to get the lock and do it. 

Next Monday is Dawson’s birthday he will be 14 and as far as I know his mum has plans for them on the day and his dad is going to do a BBQ lunch on the Sunday for him. 

Mum was telling me this morning that when she was out shopping she notice a grocery bag in a trolley next to her car with stuff in it, she looked around and couldn’t see anyone except the trolley guy on his tractor so she grapped the bag and put it in her car and took it home. She said she felt like she had stolen something but also knew if she didn’t take it the trolley guy would so she did……when she got home she looked inside and it had fruit in it that someone had bought and left behind. She said she couldn’t see the point in taking it back to the supermarket and it was a bit of walk to do so anyway so and she couldn’t be bothered.

Ok that is all I can think of for this post………………….I will be back tomorrow…………..


  1. I have been absent minded and have left a bag at the store. I never go back and get it either if it was like what she found either.

    1. I know I wouldn't bother about going back I would just kick myself for leaving it behind

  2. Oh, I hope you get your lock and key situation straightened out- that's a worry until it does!

    1. I still think Leo took the key it hasn't turned up as yet and Tim hasn't done anything about the lock yet either

  3. Good to go visit your Nan on a different day, makes a change for everyone.
    Free Fruit, good find.

    1. We want to take Liarna more so the alternet days are here to stay I think

  4. I don't know that taking the fruit back to the store would do any good -- what, so they could sell it again?

    The trolley giveth, and the trolley taketh away.



    1. Yeah I said to mum it is highly unlikely that the owner would bother to go looking for it they would most likely notice it missing when they got home and just kick themsleves for leaving it in the trolley

  5. I imagine the guy who forgot their fruit was bugged by that, but when ya forget it in the cart in the parking lot, its bound to happen!

  6. I've gone off without items I purchased at the grocery store. Once I left a bag at the checkout counter and the security guard followed me and brought it to my car. I thought that was kind.


    1. Yeah I have gone off and left things at the check out before and had the checkout operator chase me and give it to me.

  7. Seriously... How did you get that animated gif file to work? I have been trying for years to get a Beavis and Butthead to work and google says it isn't supported

    1. Don't know I added it and it worked I know very little about what makes them work........

  8. Free fruit is always great! Yum!

  9. You can rationalize all you want. The store would have kept it until the rightful owner asked about it. There is no reason to steal other's property. And I'm a gutless coward because I said something you don't like. And your mother is still a thief.

  10. I am always nervous if one of the house keys is not accounted for. I have had my locks re-keyed a time or two. It's usually after a pet sitter or house sitter has been here and I worry about duplicates or non-returned keys being out.

    1. When I was younger a lost key would had freaked me out now days I don't stress so much

  11. Good idea to change the locks. Not sure about taking the groceries. I have often returned to a store and found my forgotten bag at the service desk where someone had returned it.

    1. Mum usually takes things back too, but that day she was in pain and thought if she left it there the trolley guy would had taken it so she thought what the hell and took it and felt terrible for doing so

  12. Free fruit! Awesome! I left a sundae behind at McDonalds last week and the way I looked at it was, oh well, hopefully I made someone else happy. Pay it forward by leaving it behind.

    1. Yeah mum has left things behind before and just shrugged it off, and yeah I am all for paying it forward and I do try to do just that

  13. BTW, this post encouraged me to go back in time a bit and look for a post I wrote on my husband, the rock.


    You've become something of a muse, Jo-Anne!


    1. Why thank you Peal me a muse who would had thought.....lol

  14. I bet that fruit is so good :) That makes me want to go shopping.

  15. Gutless cowards leave anonymous messages to pick on nice people. Get lost. No store ever kept a forgotten item for me after I left the parking lot.

  16. I think I would replace the lock just to be safe. Never no who really got the key.

    1. I don't mind if hubby replaces the lock but he is such a procrastinator I will be surprised if it happens any time soon or at all.......

  17. I too have left things at the store and not even realized it until I got home. Sometimes I will return to the store and low and behold, it will still be there. I agree with changing your locks. Better safe than sorry. :-)

    1. I think when you leave it at the store you can usually get it back by ringing the store when you get home and then going back but when you leave it in a trolley in the car park not so much most people will not bother to even try and get it back we just shrug it off as our bad/our loss

  18. Your a gutless coward not because you said something I disagree with but because you don't add a name to your comment......


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