Monday, 11 March 2013

Radom Stuff

Today's post is just a bunch of random stuff that has come to mind lets start with my brother in-law Ed he has been complaining about taking his medication for his eplipsey in fact he has not been taking his medication and on Wednesday he had another seizure so he has been off work for a few days and Sandra has been at him again telling him he has to take his mediactation every day. Being a man I am not surprised that he decided after he started to feel better and the seizures had stopped that he thought I am all good now so no longer need the medication.

One of my daughters Natasha is awesome at taking her own photo unlike me I suck at it as you can tell by the photo I tried to take of myself on Friday and how it turned out. On Thursday night I decided I would wear my tights a black skirt and my purple/pink top with the flowers on it. However Friday rolls around and I put on a new pair of support undies and tights on but after about 10 minutes my undies are cutting into my leg and tights have made me feel hot so off with those on with normal undies and instead of tights I pull on my leggings which is why I ended up wearing the orange dress/top instead of the planned outfit.

Some days it takes me longer to get dressed becuase what I planned to wear doesn't look right or feel right or it is hotter then I thought or colder then I thought it would be so I have to change my mind and wear something different.

Condiments you know for a long time I didn't even know what that word meant, anyway are you at tomtitty sauce person or a bbq sauce person or maybe you are a mayo person, for a very long time like up until the last year I was always a tomtitty sauce person yeah it always had to be tomato sauce never bbq sauce and I have like mayo on chicken sandwitches for a long time but during the last year I  have discovered I no longer turn my nose up at bbq sauce in fact now when I order pizza I get the bbq sauce over the tomato sauce why well the tomato sauce always tastes to hot and spicy for me now.


  1. Love the orange color on you- it's one of my favorites!

    As far as condiments, about all I have now is salsa, pico de gallo, or some other Mexican type. They fit in with my diet better, and I like spicy stuff.

    1. Thank you I liked it also, salsa is not something I have ever liked but I don't like spicy stuff....

  2. I think that BBQ sauce here in the Southern United States is its own food group!

    Thank-you for your sweet comments about our kitchen. I really appreciate them! What you might not know (since you haven;t been following me too long) is that this kitchen was a disaster when we moved in. My husband and I did all work (including demo) except for the countertop installation. That's why we were so disappointed in the old countertops, but that's a job we didn't feel up to doing because of the tolerances around our sink. The folks who installed our countertops this last time did an amazing job.

    1. Yeah hubby often has food with is bbq

      Damn you did all that work on the kitchen yourself, that is just bloody marvellous, I would love to have our benchtops redone they are old we have been here 25yrs and they were here when we got moved in, they could be as old as the house which is 38yrs

  3. I have never been able to take a picture of myself. It is a good thing too as I think it might break my camera. :-)

    1. It is amazing that I do not break the camera I am so

  4. Love the bright orange dress. I like all those sauces but I don't eat them often.

    1. Thanks I also liked the dress it is good to read what other people think of the sauces

  5. You did well taking your own photo, I am not good at it.
    I don't eat any sauces on top of my food, but put tomatoe, worcestershire sauces in some dishes I make, other than that, no.

    1. Thank you when I think of worcestershire sauce I think of my dad he use to love that sauce on many different dishes.......

  6. You look wonderful in orange and I suck at taking photos of myself too.

    I love all sorts of sauces and pickles although not a fan of horseradish

    1. Good to know others think I look good in the orange and that the photo of myself turned out ok.

  7. I hate taking pictures of myself but then I hate others taking pictures as well. I am very self conscious.

    As for condiments...I love everything used in different ways. Mustard or mayo for sandwiches, salsa for anything Mexican, catchup for french fries any kind of BBQ sauce on just about any kind of meat.

    1. I am also very self conscious of how I look in photos. I get what you mean about different sauces for different dishes

  8. In increase to that, the ceramic warming elements heat litigate of this vaporizer.

    1. Yes, the micro-dermis feature of that catalytic converter litigates much more than Vicks inhalers.

  9. Men. Yeah, we're dopes that way.

    1. Well nice to hear a man admit that they are dopes

  10. I'm not much of a condiment person at all. I don't give much thought to what I wear. I dress for comfort, though I try to be appropriate for the occasion if I go out. I think men have a more difficult time taking the medications they need. They seem to think it's not manly or something. I don't understand, but Dr. X and I are divorced because he wouldn't take his anti-psychotic medication.


    1. I don't use a lot of sauce on my meals but there are times I do like some. Thankfully Ed is taking his medication again, I had a problem with hubby not wanting to tak his medication for his depression but he seems to have accepted that he needs it.

  11. How did he think the seizures were CURED? His doctor must have been terribly unclear!
    Cute dress--you are so lucky to be able to wear orange. And I do love your short haircut, too!

    1. Yeah I know what you sister was always telling him to take his tablets but since he is a grown man she was unable to force him to take them. After he came home from work due to the seizure she said now will you take your medication........

  12. Here in the United States BBQ is a main staple and depending on where you live in the states depends on what type of BBQ sauce is enjoyed. I myself like my BBQ less sweet and more tangy. I hope your brother realizes how important his medication is and how vital it is to maintain. :-)

    1. Only time will tell if Ed gets how important his medication is and continues to take it daily as directed by his doctor.


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