Sunday, 3 March 2013

Wet and in a Mood.............Yeah that is how I am have been

As many of you will notice I haven't posted in a couple of days, why is this...........well I have been either busy or not in the mood when I have a grandchild wanting my attention all the time it is hard to feel like writing anything mostly it is difficult to concerntraite. I keep getting distracted.
Anyway since Thursday night it has been pissing down rain here and yesterday when we ( hubby, me & Blain) went to Salamanda Bay which is an hour and half from here we saw lots of areas that were flooded. We went to look at a Sprinter which is a camper van it looks like this

You know the saying "someone got out of bed on the wrong side" well that was me yesterday I woke up in a mood and every little thing seemed to piss me off mood did improve a bit as the day went on but only a

This morning I am in a better mood thankfully, as I do not like it when I am in a foul mood and can't seem to stop myself snapping at people. Friday night we had Blain here and last night I had Leo and tonight it looks like we will have both Jessica & Leo..................
'As I may have mentioned I have been without a car since Tim took the exhaust pipes off his bike to be rechromed well he was suppose to pick them up on Friday but guess what it is going to be another week before he gets them so I am without of car for another week it is just so bloody annoying............

Today I am off to the Newcastle Show with Jessica and we will not be taking Leo since he is such a handful and his mother doesn't want to take him. Well that is the plan in fact after I post this I will have to go in and get dressed, anyway as I was saying we are planning to leave Leo with Papa while we are gone as we will only be gone a couple of hours and should be home before he has to go to work................


  1. I would rather have rain any day than snow. I am glad you are in a better mood today.

    1. Yes it feels good to be in a better mood.........

  2. Rain can put a damper on things. :). It's finally stopped raining here and I'm so thankful although I'm sick so staying in anyway. Have fun with your daughter and feel better!

    1. Yes I had a great morning and really enjoyed the show

  3. That Sprinter looks terrific! I do hope Tim gets his stuff picked up soon so you can have your car again. I've seen on the news where you all have had so much rain- I hope it doesn't affect you with flooding~

    1. Tim said the bike will be off the road for another week........thankfully the flooding isn't around were I live

  4. Rain does the same thing to me and we have had a ton of it! Then it turns to snow and ice. Grrr. I do love the van though.

    1. Yeah snow may look prettier well in photos it looks prettier but then it melts and turns into slush

  5. Rainy weather just brings out the grumpiness in everyone. I, too hope Tim gets his bike back up and running so you have the car back. That probably adds to your mood. Take care. Hope the weather improves for you.

    1. Good to know I am not the only one who gets grumpy due to the rain.........

  6. I realised when I got in to bed last night that I hadn't read anything from you so intended to see how things were today only to see a post which is a good thing :).

    I hope you have fun at the show and let us know how it goes.

    1. Yes I did have fun really enjoyed my morning out and it didn't rain at all........

  7. I know how it is to be preoccupied. I have a new puppy and haven`t had much time for the computer and when I do I`m tired. It can also see how it would be a struggle without a car . It just makes everything harder to plan. I also love the camper van. Are you guys going to camp. We love our pop up camper. Love to camp also.

    1. I am not one for camping but have said if we had a nice camper I would love to free camp some nights and some nights stay in a caravan park.....

  8. It is always hard when we are not in a positive mindset. I agree with Cheryl that the weather can always affect our moods. I hope you have much better days ahead. :-)

  9. I hate when I wake up in a mood. The worst though is when I wake up with a headache that lasts all day and makes the day just blah

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