Sunday, 1 January 2023

WEEK52 OF 2022


I fell out of bed and we had to ring Sam to help me up, I have had a shocking morning many tears and frustrating.

Tasha cooked lunch with help from Jess and her dad. I received no gifts just a hand made card from Jess.

All in all it has been a so so day.


Up at 5.20am found Tim already up he did go to bed early last night I have been a short temped bitch the last few days.

At 11.30 we went over to Kathy's for lunch which was awesome great food and better company. They also gave us gifts.

Michael helped me into the car with ease.

I was up at 5.20am found Tim up since 4am. Another stinking hot day I will be drenched in sweat all day.

Kathy and the girls came over and Kathy showered me. She also changed the sheets.

I closed the house up to block out the heat.

Wednesday already and suppose to be another hot one.

Tasha came down and helped me sort out clothes mine and Tim's tossed out a bloody lot. As in donated.

Had a talk to Tim about how he complains I mumble or speak to softly but if I raise my voice he says I am yelling or I am angry, so I feel like I can't win. He didn't say much but I hope he gets it.

In for another hot day but not to bad at the moment which is at 6.45am.

Got hot enough for me to be drenched in sweat most of the day.

Tasha brought my scooter back.

Another good night till 4.20 when I needed to pee, I spent ages standing in front of the fan trying to pull my pants up. I had my knickers in a twist and was drenched in sweat, I ended up waking Tim to help me.

I got up for the day at 5.40am, going to be another hot one, but nice now with the doors opened and the fan going.

Kelli and the kids came over so I was able to give them their gifts which they liked.

Kelli also putting me to bed.


Up at 5.20 feeling good hope it lasts.

Kathy came and showered me and that's all she did, after she left I realised I should have asked her to fold the clothes.

Tim will help me into bed, no staying up to see the new year in for me or Tim.


  1. I hope the new year is much better. Sleep well. :)

  2. Wishing you and your family a wonderful New Year.

  3. Rita.......Me too

    Debby.......Thank you

    Chris.........I hope so


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